Help me put together a (free/cheap) Math course

A while ago I started this thread. I was asking about how I can take kurtosis into account when constructing confidence intervals etc. After looking into this further, I came by this (PDF) paper. The trouble is I have no idea how to work with those equations.
So I want to learn more about Math in general and I am quite interested in Calculus and Statistics. The problem is universities cost an arm and a leg and I need to do this in my spare time.
So I need to detemrine what books/resources and in what order I need to study to fully understand every part of that paper and also to cover other interesting areas of calculus and stats and possibly some other areas of Math you think I would find interesting.

I am familiar with basic calculus and I would say an intermediate level of stats (multiple regression/ANNOVA etc).

I have searched amazon for books on calculus and stats but they seem to be things like “Calculus for dummies” and I found one called “Advanced Statistics” that didn’t seem very advanced.

So are there any Math geeks who can give me advice on what to read and in what order?

I’m no math geek, but might help.

It depends (among other things) on where you’re starting from (e.g. how strong your knowledge of calculus is).

Khan Academy (that tellyworth linked to) isn’t advanced enough to get you to where you could understand the article you linked to, but depending on where you’re starting from, you might learn some things from it. You might also want to investigate such other free resources as Academic Earth, MIT Open Courseware, or the free mathematics e-books here, or look around on Amazon for some well-written textbooks on the areas you want to study.

The particular mathematics involved in your linked article is somewhat outside/beyond my own expertise, but perhaps other Dopers will be able to give recommendations for subjects, books, etc.

Someone already mentioned Khan Academy so I will add the Better Explained blog. It’s by no means comprehensive in scope but there are some really nice explanations (statistics, complex numbers, calculus, etc.) that are focused on deep, intuitive understanding of the material as opposed to rote learning.

Thanks everyone!
All of those links are brilliant. I will certainly be getting stuck in.
Out of curiousity, is there anyone here who does understand the Math in the paper I linked to? Do you think this is useful in the real world or to complicated to be practical?