Help me track down this pnp RPG system

I heard about it a few years ago and I liked what I read about it. I know that the combat system was supposed to be modeled after historical medieval combat. In fact, if I remember correctly one of the designers was or is an arma member (Association for Renaissance Martial Arts) I used to be a member too, but don’t have contacts with the organization anymore.

Another thing about the game is that it might not have featured supernatural enemies, and of course it was set in a medieval world. I have the distinct memory that the title had the word steel in it. Might be wrong about that. Ayone have any clue as to what I could be talking about?

I’m not sure if it would be what you’re looking for, but Mount and Blade?

pnp = Pen and Paper.

I thought it meant “print and play.”

The Riddle of Steel

If you want a flavour of the combat you can download a software simulator from here.

You found it! A multitude of thanks my good man!

Heh! Just one of the many, many, obscure and just plain wierd rpgs I own.

IIRC wasn’t the big selling point of that the combat system? I haven’t thought of it in years…

Yup, combat centred around angles and directions of attack. Plus it was all about which character made the first mistake. Whoever managed to land the first blow had a big advantage.