I’ve got 2 giant gas tanks and I would like some suggestions on what to do with them. These are the type of gas tanks they store gasoline in underground at gas stations. One is probably 17 feet long and about 7ft in diameter, the other is slightly smaller.
Cutting is ok.
I have already dismissed any nuclear emergency scenarios or pontoon boat ideas.
So, what cool thing can I make out of these instead of scrapping them?
The Uber Hot Tub! Invite all your friends!
Or, just for the visual effect, strap one to the side of your house, then run a pipe from the bottom center of it and in the basement window so it looks like you’ve got the galaxy’s biggest hamster.
What are they made of? Metal or plastic? If they’re metal, you could make some huge chinese temple gongs. Your neighbors would love that, even if the nearest one is half a mile away.
I wish they were plastic, then the hut tub idea would already be done. They’re metal, and it would really suck if someone fell asleep and ended up getting cooked. Well, it would suck for me to have to deal with, anyway. The dog would probably enjoy it.