Can anyone give me some basics on the military groups? What I mean is: What is the difference between a platoon, a company, a regiment, a battallion, a division, etc.
In trying to keep up with the situation in Iraq, I’ve noticed that there seems to be several different classifications of groups. Can anyone clarify as to the size and difference of these groups?
Also…who heads up a platoon? Who heads up a regiment, etc.
mister_me, the following recent threads may help answer your question:
Military Size Vocabulary Questions
Military units
Oops. Should have searched first. Sorry and thanks!
One more, a little less recent but right on point:
Regiments, batallions, divisons, etc.
Where do the enlisted people fit in (above sergeant)
For instance, First sergeants, Master sergeants, Sergeant Major(?), etc?
First Sergeant (E-8) is generally the senior enlisted in a Company or Battery. It is an administrative position, and pulls from all MOS’s. It is one rank above Gunnery Sergeant.
Master Sergeant (E-8) is still a rank within the MOS, also one rank above Gunnery Sergeant. It is not an admin job, but an operational one.
Sergeant Major (E-9) is the “admin” position above First Sergeant, at a Battalion/Squadron level.
Master Gunnery Sergeant (E-9) is one above Master Sergeant, still within the MOS.
This is from memory, so I may have an error or two.
When you say “admin” position, does that mean that they do not take part in combat operations?
What exactly are their functions? Do they just get promoted to these positions where they no longer participate in the type of thing being carried on now in Iraq?