It’s A.
Let’s look at each row of diagrams as being a sequence (as in the other ones)
So, top row of three diagrams, we have a 9x9 grid.
First two symbols are a club and a diamond. In the next grid, this club and diamond move down a row and over a column. In the final grid, the club is on the bottom right, and the diamond, with nowhere to go, “carries over” back to the first position in the grid.
Same sequence happens in the second series of three diagrams. We get spade, spade to start, then spade spade one over and one to the right, then spade on the bottom right and spade on the top left.
So, for third series, we have heart diamond in positions 1 & 2, move down and over one and we have heart diamond again, so to complete the series, we know heart has to be on the bottom right and diamond on the top left.
That leaves us with aswers A & C. (Well, also D&G, but I eliminated them because each series has the same amount of suits in them and D&G have an extra club or spade [there should be only two of each]
So look at what other sequence we can follow to pick A or C:
Well, let’s look at the other patterns.
In the second series, let’s follow the hearts. They’re at first row third column, and third row third column; they move to first row second column, and second row first column. At the end they are second row third column, third row second column.
Follow this pattern with the first series of grids and you see it follows. The spade and clubs in the first series hop around the same way. Apply that to the last series, and you should have a club in the second row, third column, and a diamond in the third row, second column.