"Help My Baby Live" (ROish)

Dumb like a fox. Dumb all the way to the bank.

We’ve done this before. Remember the chick who needed to raise a similar amount because she went on a foolish shopping spree? Dumb as hell, yeah. But she got reimbursed by thousands of well-meaning netizens. Plenty of RO was raised about her, but as I recall, the “dumb” chick was the one who ended up with all the cash.

Donate or don’t, up to you, but this topic fills me with little else than meh.

And there were bumper stickers that read Send Oral to Heaven in '87, which is how I can remember when he did it.

Also true. I meant more “tasteless” or “not funny”, I guess, assuming the point was the message not the cash…

Since you didn’t actually provide your footnote, is this “mixed up bozos”?


How about donating for sterilization? Tubal ligation and a vasectomy have to be a lot cheaper than $50,000 right? And then we won’t have to worry about them pulling the scam again later.

Weird - it’s still $7100 and still 85 days left.

Heh. This shtick again.

Damn, I just popped in to post that!

My guess would be that it’s a pro-life person, not a pro-choice person.

They are trying to make it look like pro-choice people are venal and shallow, that they would make life-altering decisions based on popular opinion and cold, hard cash, that their morals are for sale, etc.

I would bet a dollar that the person behind it is pro-life.

We saw something similar on “Robot Chicken” last week - everyone ended up dead, except the guy who came in later to pick up his rented monkey. That’s what happens when people get trigger-happy, man.

Didn’t even need to click the link to know what was on the other side, heh heh…

The original:

The Snopes on it:

My first throught was, “so Karyn’s having a kid, eh?”

Y’know, I knew somebody IRL who really did open a website in order to ask for donations for her husband, who had cancer (mesothelioma). They received some money, too, from people online and from friends/church.

Even assuming this isn’t all made up, anyone else think they are probably beefing up the alleged donations so far, to try and make it seem legit? I have my doubts they will make it to 50k.

So it’s okay for YOU to have an abortion, even though you are pro-life? The only moral abortion is your abortion.

Knitwear designer Annie Modesitt is doing this right now.

Those are the worst fucking idiots I have ever heard of. I am so pissed off right now, I am shaking. I can’t believe the nerve of some people. My wife and I can’t have kids of our own, so we have to adopt. Financially, we can’t do it right now. I know you get the money back, but you have to pay the fees up front. Then these two fuckheads threaten to kill a potential child that my wife and I could raise unless we PAY them. I would pay for that sorry fuck’s public castration! I would pay to see that stupid cunt have her womb immolated. At times like this I really wish there was a hell so these two assholes could be sent there for eternity. I know it is probably not real, but how the fuck could anybody think this is a good idea?

**FUCK!!! **

Sgt Schwartz

She’s also tied her drive to a free downloadable pretty awesome pattern, though. I like that she’s trying to make it some sort of exchange. I get the feeling that she’ll pay the kindness on when she can.

(I hate talking about my charitable donations… I sent her some money but I’ll probably never knit the pattern because the damn yarn costs a fortune!!)

This is the Pit. You are allowed to vent in a more colorful fashion. I will adjust your remark accordingly: