Thanks to all for once again helping me out of my computer-related jam. Hopefully soon I will have a new computer and I will have a whole new set of computer-related jams!
Here’s the situation:
My thesis is due on Friday. It’s nearly done except for one final read to look for typos/big gaping holes in logic/etc.
Now, I don’t have a decent computer at home. I have one that used to be attached to a network at a university, so it doesn’t have a printer or Internet access. So, as I have done a hundred times before, I saved a copy of my thesis onto a floppy disk to bring to work, so I could print it on my employer’s dime.
(No I have no ethical issues with this, because of various circumstances too boring to get into here.)
And now, naturally, this computer can’t read the A: drive because the ‘disk is not formatted.’ Which is a complete lie because I have used this very disk, in this very computer, in the past - and this very morning on my computer at home.
(And yes I know it’s stupid to store data on floppies and re-use them and such, but there’s not much else I can do save getting a new computer, which won’t do me any good by Friday.)
I am quite certain that (a) the disk is formatted, and (b) my thesis is on it! This computer is pretty fast and new - if you tell me how, I can tell you exactly how fast and new. So maybe it’s just fussing about having to deal with something from my old and slow computer.
Is there any way I can get the file? I don’t really care about the format that it’s in (currently it’s in Word), I just want to print it and have a look.
Thank you very kindly !