Help!!! Science Project...

hey everyone, i’ve got to think of a concept/new technology that can be successfully implemented by a collaboration between two or more organisations… any suggestions as to what that concept could be, and how collaboration between two or more named organisations could work??? thanks!!

How about an idea-tracking database which would allow corporations and individuals to submit ideas to your school for science projects?

Seriously, in my undergraduate engineering program there was a year-long senior design class which involved doing design projects submitted and funded by industy. There was a database listing the projects with descriptions, resources available, etc. and student teams had to pick a project at the beginning of the semester. In today’s world, this could be an Internet/extranet web-based application with project tracking and other features as sophisticated as you wanted to build.

What about a Industrial Recycling Clearinghouse?

Say, Company A used a very pure solvent to manufacture widgits. After use, Company A can’t use it again and has to dispose of it (expensive!).

Company B is a Auto Painter - They use solvents to clean machines and this solvent doens’t have to be ultra pure.

With a clearinghouse, A could sell it’s “waste” to B where it is used again.

OOh that’s a little vague! Does it have to involve “SCIENCE?” Should the organisations be currently un-related? When you say “organisation” are you including corporations?

hey thanks for the ideas… they’ve been helpful!! erm, the project dosent necessarily have to be on science, but it would be preferable, and the organisations just have to be different organisations… oh yea, it could be people, countries whatever… as long as its two or more different groups… :smiley:

hmmm what about a collaboration between a fuel company and a automobile company in an effort to bring hydrogen fuel technology to the masses?? any comments or suggestions?? i heard its just been done by shell and general motors, but is it really feasible for a fuel company other than shell?? by they way, besides honda and general motors, are there any other car manufacturers that have come up with a hydrogen car??

How about a Waste Heat Recovery/Cooling Water Project, set up by an organization that runs large machinery like compressors, motors, or engines that require cooling water. They could form a partnership with an organization that would use the water that is heated (coming from the machinery) to warm a building, have a heated swimming pool, etc. The returning water would then be used to cool the machinery (this is known as a "closed loop system). Underground piping installation costs could be shared by both groups and maintenance would be shared, giving both organizations the chance to “cross pollinate” good work habits, problem solving, and so on. Might be a good public relations opportunity, too. If a community services installation (city swimming pool, town hall building, etc.) were involved, it would give everyone a chance to see how the private sector can be “good citizens.”