Help 'the dude" find his new thread titles.

Sex with dead wood. Creepy? Not creepy?

oh stop bullying him, at least he is funny.

Is it bullying? He’s come into the omnibus thread and seems to be taking the ribbing in good humor. I don’t see how it could be bullying if he isn’t offended by it.

This one’s my favourite :smiley:

The Steven Wright of the Dope, in other words.

How many Steven Wrights can dance on the head of a non-sequitur?

Why do I like certain things but not others?

What infections can you contract from shaving your asshair?

Anyone else heard about the man with the double vaginas?

If your are male and have a “thing” for your uncle, what is the correct terminology for that?

Cycling and impotence - connections?

Ever arrived to a party with stool in your pants?

What kind of urinal etiquette should there be if you’re feeling just a LITTLE frisky and not really “your regular self”?

What trees are in my backyard?

Would you touch a thing if there were 40 of them?

Has anyone compiled a list of everyone from the 1500s who stepped on an ant?

How do birds?

nm. lame

Do you really need bones to live?

If you touch another man’s penis with your finger but not your mouth does that make you gay?

Were wizard hats predecessors to KKK hoods?

If snakes had hands, could they scratch their bellies?

Do I have to obey gravity or can I get away with just a fine?

Could you bury someone in a cemetery without their permission?

Or is it only if you’re on top??

You kids these days with your newfangled idiotic thread starters. Why back in my day, our idiots knew how to troll with feeling!

Such hits as “I just swallowed gum. Is it bad?” and “Why don’t spicy foods burn when you urinate?” Let’s not forget: “The problem with Lips” and “Original sin and my health”.

But if you younguns want to see what it was like in the mind of an old-fashion idiot, this NON-stupid thread title: Question about the Space Shuttle leads to the stupidest thread of all time.

What should I think about?