Help! Urgent...[sick cat] edited title

I’m sorry to hear it wasn’t something easier. I’ve just gone through this with my oldest cat - we didn’t have a good outcome, but he was 15 and the cancer had either progressed or he had another, undiagnosed, problem that caused pulmonary edema.

Anyway, small-cell lymphoma IS treatable. There’s a course of oral chemotherapy that you can put him on that consists of a chemotherapy drug and prednisone. It’s not outrageously expensive, and the survival rate is pretty good, especially for cats who aren’t advanced in age.

There’s another thread here that includes the experiences of other Dopers who had better luck with their kitties than I did. You might be heartened by the information out there.

Regarding posting pictures, I think most people use a general photo site like Photobucket and just post a link to an uploaded picture.

(Links are made by using [url =copy link destination]description goes here codes (with no spaces).)

I am so sorry that you had to lose a kid like that! It’s horrid not to be able to DO anything. I grow even more desperate because I only have a part-time job & I KNOW what the treatment’s going to cost. Somehow, I can’t seem to find a full-time, & believe me, for this kid I’ll do ANYthing.

I’m not too sold on the idea of chemo - my Mom lived in Hell because of it & I’d hate to put this little guy through that for a few extra months :frowning: I know you mention it’s not bad for cats who aren’t advanced in age, but my Pascal is 13, & though I pray it does NOT turn out to be cancer, the way he’s lost weight (5 lbs in less than a year)…I mean, you can feel his spine if you barely pet his back. Two days ago he wobbled for the first time; I wanted the Earth to swallow me.

I bought him a harness & a leash and asked a neighbor today if I could use his grass (my porch has no grass) to have Pas lie there in the fresh air & the Sun. You should’ve seen Pascal’s little eyes, wide as saucers, with all the bees & butterflies & the dew. He’s always been strictly indoors. He’s loving this. If he has to go, I refuse to let him go w/o getting to know the Sun.

Thank you so much for the link you provided - I’ll be checking it out.

***Cat Whisperer
Thanks for the tip - I was checking all over SD and I found out it’s possible to embed pictures in posts…but somehow I’m not allowed to. That said, I’ve posted a picture of my kids, for anyone who wants to see them:

This might be hypocritical of me, because I don’t have much faith left, but if any of you do, please pray for Pascal.

Aww, such cute kitties.

Fingers crossed for Pascal - here’s hoping he just had a bad patch, and he’ll come around again. We have two senior kitties that don’t really jump much, so we were able to cat-proof our backyard for them to go out. I wouldn’t let them out if I couldn’t control it, but they love going out so much.