I just got to my new apartment and I needed to purchase a lock for the door, so being the thrifty and safety concious person that I am I settled on an Atlas Security Jimmy Proof Deadlock. Though fairly common the instructions included only tell me how to drill holes in the door to set it up and mention nothing of the puting together all of the bits and pieces to make it lock my door. Does anyone know how to basically assemble one of these locks? In this picture it is the lock on the top left that is a dark brown color.
The dark brown one?
The strike goes on the door frame with the part with the rings sticking over the back of the door frame (away from the door) Drill the frame, and screw to the frame. If the clearance between the door and frame is real tight, it may be necessary to chisel away some of the wood so the strike sits into the door frame a bit. Once you have the strike mounted close the door, and place the lock in place on the inner door. Lock the lock. Use a pencil and mark the 3 (or is it 4?) mounting holes for the lock on the door.
Again drill the holes and mount the lock to the door.
Based on the picture it appears that there is no outside key, so no large hole has be cut into the door.
My hubby’s a locksmith, but I’m at work.
I did a quick search, but didn’t find anything for that brand, which doesn’t sound familiar to me.
I did find this - http://www.allexperts.com/browse.cgi?catLvl=3&catID=3110 - maybe these ‘locksmith experts’ can answer your question if someone here doesn’t help you first!
Thanks for the help! I am not having problems with the screwing into the door part, I am having problems with all the metal plates that go inside the lock to set it up. I does have an outside lock and keys so you can lock it when you leave but there are a few pieces that I can’t figure out which order they go in (flat metal plate the same shape as the lock itself, a smaller plate with holes that match up with the first plate, and the bolt seems like it will fit but it has screws on either side that seem to prevent it from fitting properly.) I did submit the question to the link you provided Lisa Ann so hopefully I will hear back from them soon!
Ok, from outside to inside of door.
outside key lock,
place these two pieces against the door (thru drilled hole)
Plate with screw holes goes on inside door over the hole.
Insert screws thru inside plate into screw holes on back of outside key lock.
Note: Screws may need to be shortened to tightly secure the outside keyl lock.
There should be non threaded marks on these screws.
Main lock body should have a slot on the inside which lines up with the lock tailpiece. (long flat bar coming off the back of the outside keylock
Note: Tailpiece may have to be shortened to so inside lock body will seat on the door properly.
There may also be a plate on the back side of the inside lock which needs to be moved to access the slot for the tailpiece.
Is hard for me to describe over the net, hope this helps
AH! It makes perfect sense now! I love Osip! I send you many thanks for helping me figure this out.