Help: Word 2000 questions

I think this first one was answered a few weeks ago but I’ve been searching for the thread for an hour without success. Does anyone know the answer or know which thread I’m talking about?

My first question is: I am trying to print something from Word 2000. The bullets look fine on the screen but they don’t print - there is a space where the bullet would go but no bullet appears. This happens both in new documents created in Word 2000 and when trying to print docs created in a previous version. I don’t think it’s the font itself, since it happens no matter which one I use. I’m just talking the regular default bullet, nothing fancy that I’ve customized.

Second: Whenever I print something (possibly from all Office 2000 programs; I’ve only been using Word so far), I get a “Messenger Service” box saying that the doc has printed. It looks like a little “memo” that the spooler is sending to me, with the subject “Printing Notification.” Does anyone know how to make this go away? I can’t find anything about it in Properties, Options, Help, or anywhere else.

The computer I’m using is on Windows 2000 and our network is NT 4.0.

Anyone out there know what I should do?

If you go into the Printer properties, try and toggle “Print True Type fonts as Graphics” and see if it makes a difference.

If that doesn’t work, then I’d need lots more information:

What kind of printer are you using?
Do you always print to the same printer?
Is it local, or a networked printer?
If networked, do other people also get no bullets to print from their respective computers?
If you insert a bullet into Notepad or some other non-MS Application, does it print? (Type ALT+0149 to get the bullet to appear)

As for the 2nd one, your NT admin can specify to not include that “Printing Notification” and there’s also a way for you to disable “message notification” from your machine, but I can’t remember anymore exactly how to do it. (I’m on a Mac now). Just look for Help under “messaging” or “message notification” for that one.

Hi Dooku - to answer your questions:

I’m using either of two HP 4000TN printers (the bullets don’t show up no matter which one I print on). It’s a networked printer but when I print the same document (also to the same printer) from a computer with Win98 and Office 97 on it then the bullets do appear.

I can also print bullets from PPT using the Win2K computer but I’m not sure about non-MS applications (I’m not on the Win2K machine now; I’ll have to go start that one up and try it). I’ll also try the toggle in Properties. I did look in Help for Messaging or Message Notification and couldn’t find anything, but it’s possible that my brain was too tired at that point to see it so I’ll take another look.

The machine in question is a brand-new Dell Latitude L400 laptop, factory-installed OS but Office 2000 was installed manually with a disk.

Thanks again for your assistance!

If the above doesn’t work, try changing your printer graphics settings from raster to vector (or vice versa).