Hemp Can Save the Planet-verse1,26

Hemp Can Save the Planet. 1 acre of hemp produces 2 tons of cellulose per acre per year. Trees grown take 25-50 years. Hemp is an annual growing to 12 feet in 1 season. That’s 50-100 tons of cellulose per acre in 25-50 years. The cellulose (Hurds) are much smaller than actual trees and as such are easily digested in the acidic papermill vats used to ferment the usual tree pulp. Additionally there is little to no electricity needed unlike grinding huge trees in mechanical grinders.

Hemp as a food source is “nature’s Vitamin”. Hemp seed contains an almost identical amino acid profile to Soy Protein. The seed hull itself is also high in mineral’s.

Hemp can be grown for fiber as well and hemp fabric is often imported from Germany. I have a flax shirt from 1998 and it’s still perfect. Indeed i am wearing a cotton shirt that is only 3 years old and it already has holes in it. Hemp can be grown for food/fiber/cellulose but seed densities per acre vary according to the intended end-use of the crop/field in question.

Cotton requires a heavy amount of herbicides/pesticides compared to Hemp that requires little to none. The Tetrahydrocannibinol (THC-regulated Drug) is a natural anti-mordant. I attended a agricultural conference in 1998 at the University of Guelph and there I learned that pesticide/herbicide use was up 150% from the 1980’s to the 1990’s. Invariably this poisons the water table. 12.5 million acres of cotton were grown in 2011. Only 40,000 acres of Hemp were grown in Canada in 2011. Hemp has been legal to grow in Canada since 1998. Unfortunately it hasn’t made much of a dent in the traditional pulp and paper industry. Hence the acceleration of global warming.

Hemp and Marijuanna is the Biblical tree of knowledge. The tree of Good and Evil from the Bible. When adam and Eve were tempted from the snake, their eyes were opened, they knew they were naked and clothed themselves. I have not smoked Marijuanna in many, many years but when I did my pupils would dilate-my eyes were opened. Marijuanna also makes you feel cold-it lowers your body temperature by .5 degrees celsius. It is a tree to make one wise. Yet is is Good and Evil.

While Hemp offers food, fiber, paper, building materials, marijuanna offers sorrow, dependance, addiction, homelessness, affliction, gang shootings, drug wars. Indeed 45 people were decapitated in Mexico over drugs.

In 1998 Hemp was legalized in Canada. Hemp can easily be discerned from Marijuanna with Infra red camera’s on planes. It has a lower heat signature. Hemp varieties are the exact same genus as marijuanna (Indica/Sativa/Ruderalis) but they on averasge only contain .3% THC while marijuanna usually contains between 3-21% THC.

I tried making inroads into the hemp industry in 1998 by making a Candy Bar called “Cannabis Crunch”. A healthy non-psychoactive hemp seed bar. The sudden emergence into my life of undercover military/police/RCMP personnel… who at the tim eI thought were my friends… only later did I come to realize the magnitude of their deceptions upon me. My computer, home phone, workplace… pretty much my whole life has been “Hacked” after I registered the trademarks. They even stole my prototype box and wrappers right off my bedroom shelf. Now I live in a prison… my home. A picture hangs on the wall that was taken in my old apartment on cooper street. However I never took that photo. My roomate Jim McNabb tells me someone else took it but while I was at Cooper street my landlord told me once, Your girlfriend came over the other day and I let her in. I didn’t have a girlfriend while I lived there… SMK???
I’m constantly harassed by the city worker’s at the St. Laurent Complex when I’m just trying to relax with my earl grey tea and a menthol cigarette… My neighbors harass me then try to be nice to me… They’ve put a man who cared for the earth in isolation.
I ride my bike around looking at the desolation their cars, BMW’s, LEXUS’S have brought to the nature I so loved in this city.

It’s sad to see how they demonize people… Even sadder to see all the dying trees around my city, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Birch, Elm, Ash, Maple, Willow, Cherry, Cedar…

In effect by marginalizing these people all they have succeeded in doing is to accelerate global warming.

The DEA has the technology to monitor HEMP. Many states in the USA still want to grow HEMP but the DEA is holding them back. Indeed by refusing to grow the “Good” tree of knowledge, all they have done is succeeding in trying to control the exploding growth of the “Evil” tree of knowledge: Marijuanna.

All of the Floods/cyclones/hurricanes/tornadoes/desertification of the southern states/ have shown that the once prosperous and peaceful USA, is now in incredible disharmony with the very nature that supports it.

They say “In God We Trust”… yet there is a pasage in the bible that says “I will destroy those…that destroy the earth.”

Maybe the DEA could change their gameplan… It’s obviously not working.

POSSIBLE LINK TO COLUMN: http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/1116/is-hemp-nonpharmacological-marijuana-the-answer-to-our-environmental-problems

You’re selling what now?

It appears he’s the President of this film studio and is quite wordy.

I’d share a Cannabis Crunch bar with him.

  1. What is this word “hurd” of which you speak? I can not find it in a dictionary.
  2. “smaller than actual tress”? Hemp plants are not trees at all.
  3. What sort of toxic byproducts arise from these “acidic papermill vats”? How is it treated to make it safe? How is is disposed of?
  4. Currently the cost of hemp pulp for paper production is six times the cost of wood pulp - this may account for the paucity of hemp paper rather than you implied conspiracy
  5. Wood pulp production approaches 100% utilization of the tree/wood, whereas hemp pulp only uses about 25% of the hemp plant - what do we do with rest?

Right… your presumably modern factory uses no electricity. :rolleyes: I suppose the strategic use of mirrors will direct sunlight into the interior so workers can see what they’re doing, and they’ll brew their coffee for breaks over a fire built from the 75% of the plant that can’t be use for paper, right?

“Flax” is a different material than “hemp”. Flax comes from… wait for it… the flax plant is also referred to as linen. Hemp plants make hemp.

I think you are confusing “pesticide” (something that kills pests) with a “mordant” (a substance that helps a material absorb and fix dye).

So… you’re claiming the majority of global warming is attributable to paper production? Cite, please.

The Bible is a collection of myths.

Oh, please - while decapitations occurred last I heard cocaine, heroin, meth, and the like were also involved. This is hardly something you can blamed entirely on marijuana. Also, there is this thing called “spellcheck”, you come across better if you can spell correctly, especially those words most important to your post like “marijuana”.

Bullshit. Hemp for rope/fiber/cloth/paper is the same species as that grown for THC. They’re just different varieties of the same thing, like the difference between red and yellow onions.

There is this phenomena called “autumn” or “fall”. The trees are not dying, they’re just going dormant for the winter, m’kay?

Get over yourself - floods, etc. have always occurred in the US, it’s nothing new. Also, cyclones and hurricanes are the same thing. It’s a regional difference in terms.

Really, you’d be much more convincing if there weren’t so many holes in your presentation.

Welcome to the Straight Dope Message Boards, Duncan. It’s helpful to others if you provide a link to the column you’re commenting on. I’m not sure if you’re actually commenting on a column, or simply making some sort of statement. Assuming that you’re commenting on a column, I’ve made a guess as to which one. If I’m wrong, please let me know, and I’ll change that link.

If you’re just making general conversation and not commenting on a specific column, then this probably belongs in a different forum. Again, please let me know.

Perhaps you are quibbling over his description as “acidic”? The paper mill vats are basic, not acidic. But otherwise I don’t see your point.

This snark is unnecessary. Clearly he’s talking about the actual processing and not ancillary requirements for facility overhead.