Heroes 11/19/07 - "Cautionary Tales" (SPOILERS)

Damn writers’ strike! They finally get their act together, and only 2 more episodes to go!

Glad that West wasn’t quite as annoying, really glad that the stupid “OMG West flew across the country to kill Kaito!” theory gets disproven. Ecstatic that the Mexican Twins were no where to be seen.

I sort-of pondered they might go there with the blood (since Bob had seen the paintings, too), but didn’t really expect they’d do that.

Should be interesting with Hiro next two episodes – no samurai can live under the same sky as his father’s killer, after all…

Last week, I supported naked Nathan, for the good of the show. In all fairness, I must now support this excellent suggestion which, alas, is sadly lacking jello.

Hiro was talking to his past-self, explaining why his father was painting his name on his mother’s grave and that it would stay there until his father died. Past-Hiro began exclaiming that he would save his father and Hiro had the realization that he couldn’t. Or at least shouldn’t.

Mohinder shot Noah because Noah was going to gun down Bob. 'Twas a nice fake-out, flashing the image of the painting earlier and making us think that the moment had already passed.

Well yeah, I mean, who didn’t? They’re really going to kill off Noah at this point? I mean, screw Adam and Claire, Noah is the one who can’t be killed.

Nice call-back to Claire’s reaction upon coming back to life on the autopsy table.

Kirsten Bell was much more believable for me this episode. Which makes me wonder if, in an earlier episode when she wasn’t convincing me as the baby femme fatale, she wasn’t deliberately playing it off-kilter and this less confident Elle from the second half of tonight’s ep isn’t the real characterization. If so, then brava Kirsten Bell.

The whole feet in a dogbath thing didn’t play, though. Wasn’t she in a fairly heavy rain the first time we saw her and had no trouble using her powers?

Victoria Pratt i think.

Victoria Pratt.

I have to rewind to the beginning and see if they identified the other previously unidentified people.

ETA: There are Post-its next to everyone but the full picture is only shown at a distance from which they’re unreadable. Aren’t there a couple of people who we still don’t know? The black woman and another woman from the laft-hand side?

MAN, this was a good episode.

Presumably it has to do with whether or not she’s grounded or insulated when she zaps.

Parkman didn’t go bad. Mrs. Petrelli was trying to manipulate him and he didn’t fall for it. That woman really has no leg to stand on, telling other people they’re evil. Hooray for Parkman for not falling for that line of crap.

My husband called everything, as soon as Noah went down. I said no, no do-overs, dead is dead. I guess not. Claire’s blood is El Dorado and the Holy Grail rolled into one. The implications for that are pretty ridiculous.

Are we sure it was Claire’s blood? It could have been Adam’s. I’m aware we saw Bob take Claire’s blood earlier. But, does it necessarilly follow that it was Claire’s blood that re-animated Noah?

Maybe Mama Patrelli’s special power is nosebleed-on-demand.

I love the contradictory tone just after seeing Mr. Bennett shot through the eye socket when NBC cuts to commercial and hearing the voice over chick saying “Stay tuned for more Heroes.” Her cheerfulness left a mess in my head. Here I am trying to grieve and she has to bust up my pity party with her gleeful gloss!

I just assumed it was Adam’s blood, since it had already been established that it heals.

They had me going for a brief moment, when they went into that spiel about honoring the father after Noah was shot. I was thinking “Could they REALLY have killed him?” Like everyone else, I saw the resuscitation from a mile away. I’m glad, though, that they didn’t drag it out till next episode. At least they didn’t really yank our chains on his death.

No more greif here - they’ve now done shown that they will use the magic blood when it suits them…

Good thing from this episode - we get to (eventually) hear Hiro say -

“You Killed My Father, Prepare to Die”

You beat me to it. Hers was a blatant attempt at manipulating Matt. Let’s not forget that this is the same woman, who 4 months ago, was actively conspiring to nuke Manhattan.

I choked up few times during this episode. I didn’t think they’d really kill off Noah but you never can be sure.

I am glad we got answers on some things but I’m still waiting for the definitive answer on Mama P’s and Papa Nakamura’s powers.

Nah. Outright mind control, except perhaps in the most extreme situations, is pretty much evil. Messing with free will and all. It’s in the superhero handbook, just after how you can’t use time travel to directly save people who have already died, just, at best, to pass back cryptic messages to others in the past to avoid mass casualties.

Besides, I wasn’t talking about just her. Experimenting with his daughter? Making his superior do his bidding instead of sneaking behind his back like a proper maverick cop? These are not light-side actions.

Great 'sode. Happy to see they’re finally rolling.

Seems to me that Kring and his writers want only one truly good character (Hiro) and one truly evil (Gabriel/ Sylar). Everyone else is shades of gray. Elle lightened up a little bit this episode while Parkman and Mohinder darkened.

My feeling is that we’ll either see a little light in Adam in the next two 'sodes or he and Gabriel/Sylar end up fighting to the death. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!

I’m gonna go clean the cat boxes now.

The gal from Mutant X?!?!?

I’ve been scratching my brain trying to figure out why Bob & Co. would resurrect Noah. I can’t imagine what might be in it for them.

Now I’m thinking that it was Mohinder–out of guilt.

The only other people with access to magic blood are Claire and Adam, but we were shown Claire grieving still at the end and I don’t see how Adam would know or care about Noah’s death.

Damn! Just…damn!

I agree generally, but I don’t think Mohinder is going all dark side. He would not have killed Noah if Noah wasn’t about to kill Bob. On the other hand, somebody really needs to explain to Mohinder that Lawful Good does not equal Lawful Stupid. (reference for the D&D impaired)