Heroes S4- “Redemption” (Five Years Gone yet?)

Maybe he’s an empath? Or maybe the earth moving is his power and he got/stole the magic tattoo pen from someone.

I thought so, too, or rather was afraid that that’s how it would turn out to be, but then, why did he have to rely on the old guy to travel back in time?

Annie, if you keep up the quality of your reviews, I’ll vow to satisfy your Mohinder cravings. Let’s see, I’ll need a shapeshifter, a telepath, perhaps a couple of corpses to stitch together, a hunchbacked assistant, and a lightning storm…

Maybe he can move minerals, or has some other kind of only-on-inorganics telekinesis. So he can’t do the Vader-style force-choke any more than he can travel back in time under his own power – but if he can get something else near your throat, be it ordinary sand or synthetic ink or whatever, he can strangle you with his mind easy as throwing dirt on a grave.

They were too busy taking pictures with their phones.

All will be revealed. Well, maybe most of of it :wink:

Someone’s going to be turning into a bug, aren’t they?:smiley:

After season one, it’s been like a car crash. I really don’t want to look at it, but good gods I simply can not look away.

Ah well, at least I broke the habit of watching Lost.

He might be a patternmaster.:wink:
He draws power from a coterie of followers.
Not exactly an empath.

It seems clear to me that the Magic Compass is a mutant detector. The needle spins if the person holding it has powers.

I absolutely love that Peter is using his powers in a superhero way that actually has a chance of working in their non-comicbook world. Peter and Hiro both want to use their abilities for good, but Hiro seems to expect the rest of the world to join him in his fantasy. Peter is not bucking against the normals so much, and is able to actually get something done.

I’m guessing he’ll lose his job next week and be useless in most situations for the next six months.

Was it spinning when T-Bag (I’ll never remember his new name) was holding it? I’m thinking it might be a power detector that shows what someone can do. Since Peter is an empath, it spins wildly because he can do everything. A compass that just shows if someone has a power isn’t very useful.

Apart from the embarrassingly clumsy set-up and pay-off of Hiro’s story, I liked it. I think if this is how it had developed in Season 2 - to try and use their powers for good and eventually form a cohesive team - everything would’ve turned out much better.

The one that Samuel had and tossed into the grave was cracked. I would assume it was broken.

Sweet zombie Jane Austen, yes to all the above. Peter also seem to have figured out that his family is, 95% of the time loving, devoted to him, if a little slappy on Angela’s part and would kill or be killed to protect each other but the other 5% they will semi literally send you to hell for whatever they think is the greater good (Angela-nuke NYC, Nathan-Building 26 PWA prison). How long he stays that way, unknown. Certainly not for long. I could see him trusting Sylar-than more than real Nathan, were he to find out.

THANK YOU!!! THAT’S where I knew her from. (Yeah, I guess I could have just IMDB’ed her.)

Whilst I’m not disagreeing, because I wondered something along these lines too, I struggled to think of many situations where this would be astonishingly useful either. In most cases it would simply be confirming something the wielder was already well aware of.

So what’re the odds that Mohinder will end up working for T-Bag & The Carnies, then end up regretting it, angsting over it, and switching sides?

Or that the Petrellis will have family issues that end up with one or more becoming crazy villains, until they do an about face near the finale to help stop the real villain, and in the process realizing the importance of Family?

I’d don’t think so, the carnies don’t seem to have a funding source or lab facilities. He may sell himself out for his work, constantly, but there has to be a qualified buyer.

Well, there’s no Nathan to manipulate this year (da dah DUHN!) so maybe not. Maybe Angela will grow a conscience? Naw.

Hey, I noticed that in the carny office the blackboard maintenance roster listed dates like 11/24/09 and 11/??/09. What’s our time line now? Our guys are still in whatever date would result in a 1 yr baby 4 years after Janice being pregnant and the carnies are now?

He should go work for Angela. She could use some science help and I’m sure she can provide both the shiny lab equipment AND the source of condescension that he’s used to and that he really needs in order to shine. She’d probably even throw in a free microscope for him to hit people with.

Oh Thanks! I was having the lamest argument ever with someone about what year they were living in. I see my suggestion that our ‘now’ is always sort of their ‘now’ regardless of how little sense that makes is accurate. Comics and soap opera always quietly ignore this problem too.

I think they’re subscribing to this particular trope. Is there a name for it? I’d check out TVtropes, but I don’t have six hours to get sucked into that site.

I risked getting sucked into their vortex to find you are indeed right - Comic Book Time!

Your loss.

No no no, they’re lost.