Heroism over Somerset

Early this morning a call came into 911 from the doomed plane that crashed in Somerset. A Passenger had locked themselves into the restroom and reported that they were being hijacked.

Hijackers broke into the cockpit and directed the pilot to a new course. Having heard of the earlier tragedies, the pilot refused, and they began killing stewardesses and passengers.

When he still refused to change course towards Camp David, the hijackers attempted to remove the pilot by force, they eventually killed him, but not before he was able to put the plane into an unrecoverable dive, depriving the hijackers their goal, sacrificing his own life and those of the passengers, but saving countless lives on the ground.

That’s not confirmed, but that’s the story I heard from my neighbor, a former Airman, and a devout Ham radio operator.

I don’t believe they’ve released the names of any of the flight crew or passengers on any of the downed planes yet, but it probably wouldn’t be hard for people connected or related to people with those airlines to be able to find out some of the names. I read this on another message board I participate in and this seems like a good place to share it. I’ve known this woman for about 2 years and trust that she wouldn’t post this if she wasn’t sure of her facts. There isn’t a name mentioned, but it’s clear her sister knew the pilot of American Airlines Flight 11 fairly well.

I’d say that last line is an understatement.

May he and all the other deceased rest in peace.

There’s a copy of a SF Chronicle article posted here about the call from the passanger locked in the bathroom of that flight.

If what you’ve heard is true, I agree completely with the OP.

Confirmation of my above post. From Fox News

The other currently known victims are also listed on that page.

I’d just like to say that I live in Johnstown, which is just minutes from Shanksville/Stoystown. My high school let out early because the plane had flown quite close to our town and attempted to land at the airport. The local air controllers report the plane tipped its wings and attempted to make a landing at the airport before over shooting and crashing in Somerset county. This jarred our whole school, seeing something so close to home.

I heard that as well, Scylla, and think that it may be correct. Eyewitness reports said that the plane was flying low but then suddenly went into a nose-dive, which means that something drastic was happening in the cockpit.

I live in Pittsburgh, and was watching on the news when they announced the crash. The WTC attack was bad enough, but somehow an incident this close to home increased my nautious feeling by a huge amount.

God bless the pilots and passengers on that plane, for making the greatest sacrifice of them all. And I hope that Satan has a field day with the hijackers.

the pilots and passengers of AA flight 93 are true heroes. The pilot, after having his plane hijacked, refused to turn the plane. When they started killing people, he still refused. Before they killed him, he put the plane into an unrecoverable dive so they would crash. He, the crew and the passengers are true matryrs. They are heroes. They made the most ultimate sacrifice, that of their lives, so that others would live.

Hero seems like such an understatement here, but truly that is appropriate.


I am very skeptical of this story. Any confirmation would be appreciated.


Get some perspective, m’kay?

Hate to break bad news to you but right now confusion abounds in the world.

It’s all very messy.

You’re skeptical and would appreciate confirmation. Yes, dear. So would we all. But some just provide the most credible information they can find–as it’s available–and muddle on from there.

But if you’ve researched contrary account do, please, cite them. No, no, please don’t be modest.

You challenged the OP–and the cites provided. Surely you have sufficient reason for doing so?


I live two counties north of Somerset, and I haven’t heard this. All I’ve heard along these lines (and this isn’t confirmed that I know of) is that there was a radio request from United 93 to air traffic control for a diversion to DC; then the crash. (Note that this contradicts the story that the terrorists were going for Camp David–I have no idea which if either is true.) The speculation among people I’ve talked to (and let me repeat that it’s only speculation) is that the terrorists forced the pilot to make the call, but that left the pilot in position to force the plane into a terminal dive. I like to think the pilot did it intentionally, anyway…but I’m not sure we’ll ever know for sure.

Lord give me the strength to get through tomorrow. This is what I just heard on TV one of the major stations … don’t know which one I was channel surfing … reported this. A passenger on this flight, the one that went down in Penn, called his wife to tell her good-bye. Said that he and a couple of others were going to rush the hijackers. Again according to the report. I don’t “know” if this is true, but something stopped this plane that was probably bound for DC. Be it the pilot doing a nosedive or passengers rushing the terrorists, I am just thankfull for whatever happened on that flight.

I was going to start this thread. This has been confirmed. The pilot would not let the hijacks take the plane, which they had apparently wanted to crash into DC. I know it sounds crass, but if the other pilots had reacted the same way, thousands of lives would have been saved.

any links annie ?

I live in Pittsburgh as well, and most of my high school was in our AV room watching the news when they broke in with the news of Somerset. At first, we were all terrified because they would only say that it was a local crash.
We all starting crying, thinking that they hit the USX or PPG or something in downtown before they told us that it was a good 80 or so miles away. But still, ten minutes more and that could’ve been right on us.

The pilot of that plane had courage beyond the norm to stand up to the monsters who have done this. My prayers go out to his family and those of all the poeple involved in any of the crashes. It’s nice to know that even amid all this destruction and tragedy, there are still noble people who will sacrifice themselves to save others.

TVeblen, what’s your problem?


You’re right, it does sound crass. You have no idea what those pilots went through or what they tried to do to avoid this catastrophe. For all you know they could’ve been killed instantly and therefore had no time to do anything. This post really pisses me off. HOW DARE YOU lay the blame for this tragedy at the feet of the dead pilots??? JESUS!

Oh no, Jester. The god of these gentlemen has summarily assumed them into heaven, as brave and devout martyrs to a glorious cause.


Ah… but you see… their leaders have led them into a horrible falsehood…

For “martyrdom” is granted to those who are killed in battle – by the enemy. Not to those who kill themselves slaying women, children and old men.

So they must have been quite perplexed at the pervading scent of brimstone in “paradise.”


According to some of the evidence surfacing now, two or more of the hijackers may have trained at a flight school in Florida. They knew how to fly the planes. The pilots likely had nothing to do with it. Which would make sense, as even holding a gun to an American pilot’s head shouldn’t be sufficient incentive to crash his plane into the WTC. The only way I see that happening is if the terrorists piloted the plane themselves. But since we have no idea what happened on board ANY of those planes, I hardly see it as appropriate to level blame at the pilots and crew. A typical hijacking would never have resulted like this, and the procedures that the airlines have in place were never meant to deal with using the planes as weapons once they were taken over. So let’s wait for more information to show up before we start levelling blame at the pilots, or anyone else.


