Hi, Case Sensitive!
In light of the gentle teasing I heaped upon you last week, pretending you were completely unnoticable when you suggested that no one ever cites you, I thought you’d like to know that . . .
I noticed your name change!
Hope you find the new name fits you! Have fun with it! Congrats on your big decision!
Thanks, bienville: actually, it wasn’t a vanity change, but arose from a slightly unpleasant situation: Middlecase was also {rather foolishly} the name of my e-mail address - my brother, who lurks here, figured it out, and stupidly passed it on to some mutual acquaintances, and I started getting snide e-mail feedback from people whom I barely knew about some of my posts: needless to say, I changed it forthwith.
Hope you like the new me - hopefully the name has some resonance with the old me, without being too obvious.
Here’s hoping the cretins don’t read sig lines! :smack:
I doubt they’re THAT dedicated - anyway, the sig’s not staying too long, just a month or so so that other posters can work out that this Case guy is to be ignored at all costs.