Hey Coloradopers! Anyone going to Snowmass?

This weekend is the Snowmass Chili Pepper and Brew Fest. It just so happens that I am going to be there on Friday, savoring some delicious chili, fine craft beer, and sweet bluegrass music.

Look for me there, I’ll be the tall guy wearing the hat.

Nope, but I’ll be over on the Western Slope for the Colorado Wine Fest in September.

'Sides, that whole Pitkin County thing is too snooty for me. (Translation: I can’t afford to park the car, let alone buy beer and chili!)

Yikes! I hope it’s not too snooty. Tickets were only $20. I’m catching a ride with a couple friends from Denver, then we’re leaving Saturday morning for the Flat Tops wilderness area for 3 or 4 days of backpacking and flyfishing. It’s gonna be a great vacation!