Your campaign is starting to flame out like a 4th of July skyrocket. You are probably too stupid to figure it out why so I’ll explain it to you.
Another person has arrived on the scene that is just as ignorant, misguided, ill-informed and talks like a buffoon. He’s just like you. What’s even more interesting is that, like you husband, when playing hide-and-seek, he hid in the closet.
So why is this guy leaving you in his dust?
Answer: He pretends to be a male. Why does that matter?
The people that you appeal to are so intellectually challenged and bigoted that they don’t want a female as President. The idea of a female President scares the shito out of them. They may love the ignorant rhetoric that you spew but, bottom line, you are a female and that is a very difficult thing for these dolts.
The pseudo cowboy from Texas arrives and what a relief! We can elect Michelle’s hair, looks, and someone who is as vacuous and it doesn’t have to be a female. Wow!
Are you talking about the new poll saying that tea party supporters seem to have shifted their support to Perry? I don’t know that that’s sexism so much as it is enthusiasm about Perry’s entry into the race.
That’s my point. These idiots can satisfy their lust for ignorance while satisfying their inherent sexism by shifting from Bachman to the phony cowboy.
You haven’t proven their backing of Perry over Bachmann is due to inherent sexism, though. Maybe they’re caught up with enthusiasm because he just joined the race. Maybe they always preferred him to her for reasons other than sexism but were willing to support her so long as it looked like he was staying out. Maybe because he’s new and there aren’t any scandals or negative stories attached to him yet, he seems more impressive.
You’ve stated a hypothesis, but you haven’t really supported it yet.
The only black justice on the Supreme Court is a Republican.
The first female (and black) National Security Advisor and Secretary of State is a Republican.
The first black national party chair was a black man.
The first Hispanic Attorney General was a Republican.
The second female Vice Presidential candidate and the first in 23 years was a Republican.
What would have been the first female Vice President but for 8 percentage points was a Republican.
Prior to Perry’s entry into the race, one of the leading Republican presidential candidates was a woman.
Fact: Republicans are not only perfectly happy to have blacks, females, and Hispanics in their party, but have thus far been in the vanguard of elevating them to high level government positions.
These people, plus the numerous other black and female and Hispanic candidates who’ve attained state and/or federal elective office, have gotten there by virtue of holding conservative values. That’s what we care about. You guys are constantly whinging about how badly women, blacks and Hispanics are regarded and treated by Republicans, and in the meantime Republicans are electing and promoting and appointing them to high level political positions all over the place. Hell, even before she entered the race, you guys were carrying on about much of a Republican darling that idiotic nutjob Michelle Bachman was, and how much of indicator of Republican stupidity was the popularity of Sarah Palin, and now all of a sudden you’re reversing yourselves and whinging about how Republicans will never elect women.
For a group who’s supposed to be so smart, I don’t think I’ve ever heard a one of you peg the real reason that Republicans do anything. You all believe yourselves expert on conservative motivations and conservative thinking and conservative goals, and you are wrong every. single. time. - as the first paragraph above amply demonstrates.
Yea, just “maybe”. Supported? Why does some female who’s been on the campaign trail stating crazy things get immediately passed by some purported “male” so suddenly who is basically stating the same crazy ideas?
I guess I’m explaining it to you while I explain it to Bachman. It’s “Oh geez, now I can support my ignorance but I don’t have to do the unthinkable, like voting for a female.”
All that the crazy Texan has to do is mimic Bachman and he will draw away a lot of her support.
Palin wasn’t the first female vice presidential candidate, but she was the first of the last 23 years. And save for eight percentage points she would have been elected.
Sorry, ignore the post above. I’m hopping back and forth between threads and forgot I’d already clarified the 23 year thing about Palin which was meant to acknowledge the candidacy of Geraldine Ferraro.
I’d be impressed with your post if any but one of these people on your list hadn’t been appointed by a man to a non-elected position.
As for the one, “one of the leading Republican presidential candidates” is pretty meaningless this far out from the actual election.
Also note that Clinton appointed the first woman to be Secretary of State. Also that 8 percentage points in American presidential elections is fucking huge.
That’s not what the live video from the last Republican convention showed. It’s not what the vast majority of Republican photo ops show. It’s also not what the typical CSPAN afternoon video shows.
Blacks, women, and Hispanics will ascend to the highest levels of the Republican Party the very instant that they ascend to the highest levels of money.
News item: Republicans appoint four black people to office.
Sure, I give credit to Bush for appointing a black man to the Supreme Court. And, like nominating a female VP candidate, only a couple of decades after the Democrats did it.
Quick, how many other black men did George H.W. Bush appoint as judges during the four years he was President?
But to give Bush credit, that’s more than Ronald Reagan appointed in the eight years he was President.
Jimmy Carter also outdid his predecessors. All of them. In four years, Carter appointed more black judges than every previous President had combined.
And Bill Clinton appointed more black judges than Carter did.
Clearly the point, and it’s a good one, is that despite two unpopular wars, a faltering economy, a slavish press almost sickeningly devoted to Obama, and a liberal electorate virtually drooling itself over the prospect of electing a black man to the White House without regard to his background or executive experience, McCain and his female vice presidential candidate were kept from the White House by a margin of only 8 out of 100 votes cast, which of course means that had only 4 votes out of 100 gone the other way the election would have been a virtual tie. To me this signals a widespread Republican support of the idea of women not only in political office but in high political office.
You’ll note also that not only was there no Republican outcry over the idea of a woman running for vice president, but McCain’s numbers actually jumped for a short while in the wake of his having selected Palin, and since that time, she has shown herself time and time again, to the dismay of liberals all over this board, to be one of the most effective cheerleaders for Republican values and a highly influential Tea Party favorite.
Then comes Michelle Bachmann, who upon her announcement to run for office, shoots instantly to the number two position among the seven or eight declared candidates for office and remained there until an even stronger candidate emerged when Perry entered the race.
Nowhere can be found any Republican racial or sexual bias against Clarence Thomas, Condoleeza Rice, Alberto Gonzales, Michael Steele, Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann, nor is any bias in evidence with the considerable number of minorities and women elected to governorships and state legislatures all around the country.
That fact of the matter is that even as far back as Elizabeth Dole - former Secretary of Labor, Secretary of Transportation, U.S. Senator, and, at least for a while, 2000 presidential candidate - Republicans have shown themselves open to and welcoming of the idea of women in politics. It is a long-standing liberal deceit that Republicans and conservatives not only disapprove of women and blacks in office, but actively seek to keep them out. The untruth of these cynical and dishonest allegations should be obvious to anyone willing to look at how well minorities and women have done and are doing in the Republican political arena, and and I would wager that in short order, as more and more women and minorities become more aware that they’ve been sold a bill of goods and that in reality they can do just fine in the world of conservative Republican politics, the numbers of women and minorities achieving prominence in Republican politics will dwarf those of today.
And Little Nemo, you are correct, Madeline Albright, was indeed the first female Secretary of State. But we kicked it up a notch and installed a Secretary of State who was not only female but black as well, and I should think that the reception and admiration she got from the country’s Republican population speaks for itself. Plus I wouldn’t be surprised if she were to prove to be a formidable Republican candidate for the White House or vice presidency were she to run today.
Again, it’s values that are important to Republicans, not sex or race.
I really don’t think you can attribute the shift towards Perry to sexism. I tend to think it’s more obvious than that–it’s the crazy eyes. No one was really comfortable with them, but when she was the only candidate that shared their platform, it had to be overlooked.