I’m a conservative. I’ve never voted Democratic for president. I like taxes to be low, and environmental and industrial regulations to be lax. I oppose affirmative action (in the sense of set-asides and preferences). I’m a card-carrying member of the NRA. I prefer a starkly limited welfare state. I support strong national defense. Sounds like a hopeless case, doesn’t it?
Well, take heart. I also oppose military tribunals and the holding of citizens and non-citizens without trial, and the apparent attitude of the Defense Department that anyone it designates a terrorist has no constitutional rights whatsoever. I don’t oppose these things just a little. They scare the bejeezus out of me. I simply cannot accept the president arrogating to himself the power to set the jurisdictional limits of another branch of government, the judiciary, when the Constitution gives him no such power. I believe it strikes at the heart of limited government, a concept I thought used to mean something to conservatives. This upsets me so much that I feel required to at least consider voting Democratic in '04.
I am willing to grit my teeth and bear things I don’t like to get constitutional government back. I’ll accept higher taxes and suffocating regulations on business, even to the extent of worsening the recession. I’ll accept affirmative action at least so long as the discrimination against me doesn’t get any worse. I’ll accept increased handouts of my tax dollars to the non-working. I’ll even accept limited increases in gun control, short of widespread or politically targeted confiscation.
What I’m really afraid of is voting for a Democrat in '04, getting all the taxes, regulations, affirmative action, and other things I can’t stand, and still see the tribunal order, the holding without charge, the arbitrary deprivation of constitutional rights to suspects, and suchlike police state measures continue.
So, which Democratic presidential candidates are solid bets to reverse the big assaults on constitutional government? I’ve pretty well ruled out Lieberman and Dean, both of whom have come out 100% in favor of the tribunals. Under no circumstance would I vote for Sharpton, no matter what he says, since I don’t believe a single word that comes out of his mouth (I fell for the Tawana Brawley hoax; fool me twice, shame on me). That leaves Edwards, Kucinich, Gephardt, and Moseley-Braun that I know of.
So here’s my vote, come and get it! Tell me which candidate will give us civilian trials and a constitutionally limited president again. And if there’s more than one Democrat out there who will do it, which will be most acceptable to a conservative like me?