Hey, Fat Losers!!

I’d rather face reality for what it is than be an ignorant idealist. If that makes me a jerk then i will take that label.


When the purpose of a diet is to be slim, often the slimness is brief - 95% of dieters re-gain the weight and suffer “yo-yo” cycling.


Permanent weight loss is elusive for most fat people; 95-98% of all diets fail over three years. Contrary to what the $33 billion per year dieting industry would have us believe, the failure of diets is not the fault of the dieter; rather, the body’s response to a very low calorie diet (VLCD) dictates that the diet will fail.


According to the National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute (NHLBI), 95% of all dieters who do manage to lose weight, gain it all back PLUS MORE within 9-12 months.


On the contrary, the National Institute of Health showed a 95-98% failure rate for non-surgical weight reduction in the morbidly obese.
ad nauseum.

I don’t know where the stat 95-99% comes from, but i keep seeing it. i guess the NIH.

i was trying to say was ‘if you are going to lose weight, you’d better find a way to keep it off’. if 95-98% of you just regain the weight, what is the point unless you want to diet for 1/3 of your adult life on & off? Hopefully people or science will find a way to obtain permanent weight loss sometime soon w/o gastrointestinal bypass surgery. But for now, yo yo dieting is really all people have to shoot for.

I’d always been a chunky chick. Then I did WW with my mom and dropped 70 pounds in a year and then I got pregnant. Took me a while but 21 months later I finally get back to slim and I’m pregnant again! Beware dietiers :wink:

WW is a great program because it showed me portion control and how to make more intelligent food choices.

One warning about protein… my dietician explained to me that (in the States anyway) people consume far too much protein than is good for them. Excessive protein makes your kidneys work harder and can lead to renal diseases. I have to be extra careful as my poor kidneys are already broken.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that coming into a thread asking about success stories simply to say most people will fail is why people consider you a jerk.

I bow to your ability to face reality. Is that validation enough for you? Could you leave the thread for those who are trying to get support for their weight loss?

Hmmmm, maybe sharing your success stories with other like minded people in a positive environment would help…:rolleyes:

Seriously though, good cites.

Ah, i guess that would piss people off.

For the record, i wasn’t saying ‘everyone will fail’, i was saying people should plan ahead to avoid being one of the 95-98%. If you knew 98% of people who started law school were going to drop out in 4 years wouldn’t you feel the need to point that out?

I appreciate that. Knowing you respect me has brightened my day. :wally

If i am doing more harm than good for the people who want to lose weight then i will leave this thread. But im not going to be ‘mobbed’ off because i point out unpopular facts.

Something like three people have said something to you and it’s a “mob”? Give me a break. You need much greater numbers for the martyrdom/Galileo Complex act.

This is my last post because this should be a thread for mutual support. I just wanted to point out there’s a time and place for everything. The fact that you chose the wrong time and place doesn’t make you the bringer of truth who is being unjustly persecuted.

Lets stop doing this here or take it to the BBQ pit.

Feel free to Pit us, Calc. Believe it or not, pretty much everyone who has had to contend with weight problems knows the odds are against keeping it off over the long haul. Just as most gay men don’t need to be reminded that unprotected sex outside of a committed monogamous relationship risks AIDS.

I think the gay men on this board have succeeded in driving the point home that if they say something about having gotten lucky with someone they met at a bar, none of the straights here need say anything about condoms. I’d like to make a similar point here.

As for me, I’m trying to lose weight right now by cutting the calories out of my beverages. I realized I was drinking about 500 calories a day, give or take, in sodas, juices, and sugar in my coffee. I’ve pretty much cut that out. That should make a difference of about a pound a week, if I keep the rest of my diet the same.

Chill out, Calc. Yes, it takes more work to keep weight off than to lose it in the first place. I think people just would’ve liked it if you’d phrased it more nicely.

“Congrats to everyone who has lost weight, but watch out because you’re going to have to work just as hard to keep it off.”

See how easy that was? :slight_smile:

I don’t see why you felt compelled to make your little PSA in the first place, Calculus. Do you go into threads announcing engagements to remind them how many marriages end in divorce, too?

If it was around 98% then i would.

Okay then. To what end?

I’ve lost 44lbs since November 29, when I had my surgery. Fortunately for me, with my particular surgery, I’d have to actively TRY to gain my weight back.

I started WW Online at the end of December with the goal of losing 30 pounds, and I’m almost halfway there! Total loss of 14 pounds when I weighed myself yesterday. I hope to hit my target weight by Memorial Day, and then maintain my weight close to that number through Labor Day. After that, eating healthy should come more naturally (I hope) and not be something I have to think about.

Another WW person checking in.

Been on it since July and have lost 73 pounds (maybe more, my I’m going for weigh in tonight) so far. I couldn’t agree more with susan_foster’s comments. If you go back to the way you used to eat after you hit goal, you will simply put the weight back on again. You have to make the changes to your lifestyle permenant. I’m already resigned to the fact that I’ll be counting points for the rest of my life. But that’s OK. I’m willing to “pay that price” to keep the weight off.

Zev Steinhardt

Of course, because I’d want to discourage as many of the 2% who would become lawyers.

That’s not really the situation here.

The Calculus of Logic, c’est le ton qui fait la musique. I don’t mind you coming into this thread warning people that a lot of diets are ineffective, or even frauds. As a matter of fact, that’s a good thing, IMHO. But you have to consider your audience: this is a thread where people try to find support in each others success stories. But just be polite about it: there’s no need for an unqualified opening statement like “good luck trying to keep it off”.

I trust this guidance will help.