Hey, Floridopers, ready for Jeanne?

I’m in Boca Raton, we’re going to get hurricane force winds tonight. Getting some pretty good gusts right now, I expect the power to go any time now.

I’m incredibly stressed about it. To get my mind off of it, I decide to view a movie. OK, here’s where I have to admit I download movies. So, I look in my download directory for one that might take my mind off the weather situation.

The last one I downloaded? “The Day After Tomorrow”. Hmmm, maybe not the best choice.

I’m heading down there on Friday. Looking for a place to live. I figure this couldn’t ever happen again. Maybe God will forgive if the elections turn out ok this November.

Maybe I’ll sell you my place… If there’s anything left of it.

All I have to say is that I’m glad the power hasn’t gone out yet. I’m in West Palm Beach, and last time the power went out at around 10am, way before the storm really started. At least I got lucky and got the power back in a couple of days.

I feel like I’m being punished.

Don’t forget, hurricane Lisa is still out there deciding whether or not she’s going to crash this party.

The Weather Channel = the Bad Hair Channel.

The local news and weather people are all a bunch of histrionic wankers. I’m so sick of it I could just scream. No more. I’m watching HBO and Cinemax from now on. F%ck the weather channel.

My mother’s staying with us until Jeanne passes. We didn’t lose power during Charley or Frances and she did. Hope she didn’t bring the electricity demons with her.

Is it a bad idea to be falling down drunk when there’s a hurricane?

Floridopers, not meaning to sound corny or anything, but I will say a prayer for you tonight, and in church tomorrow. I am worried about you all.
Stay “hunkered down” Hey, Carm6773, now you can take another drink!

Is Anita Bryant still in Florida? I’m thinking if anything, it’s her.

I’m not really worried about Jeanne for some reason. However, if Lisa winds up doing the most damage out of the lot, I will be legally changing my first name…

velvetjones, it’s not a bad idea to be falling down drunk during a hurricane. It can only help things, really.

I was thinking it’s Je-Anne. Could be wrong. Either way, my thoughts are with you all.

Oh yeah . . . Hunker Down. . . Salud!

you may fling poo on reporters as well. you may not fling poo on anderson cooper and whomever he is holding on to so he doesn’t go flying.

just remember not to fling poo INTO the wind!

when they retire the name ivan you could suggest ivylad…

It’s getting very breezy here. Ivylad was sitting out in the driveway, reading, enjoying the breeze and the lack of bugs. Usually mosquitos are very bad at our house. At least during hurricanes they get blown away.

::stamps foot and crosses arms::

No! I won’t! I won’t have another hurricane! And you can’t make me!

It’s pronounced like “Gene”, and she made my work day absolutely hellish. Everything was all crazy at my store, and I have a new least-favorite phrase: “Where are all your carts?” In the god-damned store because we are extremely busy, you drooling, slack-jawed moron. Twice our normal sales today and 1.5 times yesterday, so I’m wiped. Good luck tonight, West Palm, Orlando, and Lakeland.

I can’t sleep, I keep staring at the radar thining, “OMG, it’s coming right at us!”

What to do…

Anyone else staying awake, or everyone in bed? I normally would have been alseep by midnight. North of Tampa here.

I’m still up, but I usually am at this time anyway. I keep watching WFTS rerun that clip of CNN’s Anderson Cooper getting blown away by a sudden gust. The anchors have been unable to stifle all of their giggles, and neither have I. I will never understand why news shows feel it necessary to have a remote showing how windy it is.

I had some serious heart burn from these delicious chicken and dumplings I made today. It just kept getting worse and worse.

I realized if I didn’t go to CVS now, it would be a long heart burned filled night and a very wet day to get my Tums tomorrow.

The winds are only gusting at 30 mph and they really about blew me over. Glad I went tonight.

Here she comes. St. Pete is getting real windy at 10AM, gusts to 50MPH at least, not raining too hard yet. The power has been flickering, I hope we don’t lose it. The worst should be over in a couple hours, I hope. Turn north hunny, we don’t want you here no more.

Lisa too? Good grief. Has there ever been this much TS and hurricane frequency in the Caribbean before?

Best of luck, all of you.

Hillsborough County has been getting pounded for the last few hours. I have wet carpets again :(, but this time I still have power:)!

I heard that a tree fell into the principal’s office at Lakeland High. How’s Florida Southern, which is right up the road?

Argh, I was naively hoping the power wouldn’t go out this time. At least it was on for a lot longer than last time. With Frances it went down at about 10am, before it was even windy outside. I am making myself conserve my laptop battery.

What’s this about Lisa? puts bucket over head

It should go straight up into the Atlantic. Unless, of course, it decides to make a hard left and hit further up the East Coast.