Hey jarbabyj...

now children, how about we be good sane people bathe in water?


my suggestions:
fat grease
cheerios or any other type of cereal. might want to avoid the marshmallows though.
while not food, how about slugs?
and now you all say ew…


foods that should be fine:
cream cheese
butterscotch pudding
lime Jell-o
egg salad
room temperature mashed potatoes

foods to avoid:
tortilla chips
anything with habanero chiles
pretzel sticks
sizzling stir fried chicken
any and all types of shish-ke-bobs

::secretly wonders exactly how iampunha ended up in a vat of ball bearings::

It wasn’t a vat, it was just a whole bunch of 'em. Sorta like those ball pens, only much smaller.

Very relaxing, once you get used to 'em (and that don’t take long).

Now this is just too much information…

Yep. Now, I knew before that punha was a bit strange, but now…

shudders at the image of punha in his all-together, smiling as he sinks into a vat of ball bearings.

Sloppy joes.

I love the way that this man thinks.

Now, I think I will just stick to the conventional, red jello and chocolate pudding

I’ve read all of these suggestions and treasured them up in my heart…much like the Blessed Virgin at the creche.
But let’s remember, the theme of the photography exhibit is “Things I Love So Much I Would Bathe In Them” It’s not just for aesthetics…it’s for things I LOVE. So, hating Hummous, it’s right out.

What did I LIKE from your suggestions?

Egg Salad. Good GOD I love Egg Salad

Creamed Corn

and Ranch Dressing.


Also, I’m having trouble seeing how skittles would drive themselves into my butt and hooha. I mean, it’s not like I’m driving my body into the skittles at gale wind force…I’m just settling in and sitting there for the picture. I think it would be comforting.


Ben Wa Skittles? Woah.

How about Menudo? You could pretend you were William Wallace.

You do realize that you would need to be cleaned thoroughly between photographs, don’t you? Extreme care and a spray nozzle would be needed to make sure no canned corn contaminated the ranch dressing. Close inspection would be needed to make sure no Skittles snuck up your hoo-ha.

As no one else has been gentleman enough to offer his services, I would be honored to help you in your quest.


I’ll clean you off afterwards Jarbaby with my tounge!

A jarBABYj photographed bathing in edible products? Uh-oh, let’s hope Anne Geddes isn’t reading this thread. :slight_smile:

Franks & beans. Definitely franks & beans.


Just sinking into that pink goo. Sort of a “return to the womb” thing, neh?

It’s like fetish porn for the Gorton’s Fisherman. I don’t trust him anymore.

I had actually posted a thread in MPSIMS about WAM (“Wet-And-Messy”) Fetish, but nobody bothered to discuss it but me and Zyada.

Then, the Great Hacking occurred, my thread was lost in the mists of time, and I can’t even refer you to that great discussion which was all of about four posts, including the OP.

So now, in addition to getting me jealous because I’m not The Welder, jarbabyj is going to immerse herself in messy substances and take pictures?!?


Damn! Why can’t I find a girl like that!

Things that would look really good:

Cake or pancake batter
Chocolate sauce
Chocolate pudding
Soft, creamy clay (Ghost, anyone?)

OK… I gotta stop this. I’m getting myself excited and I’m still at work! :eek:

(a slight hijack)

Erm, if you’re talking about The Who, I think you’re referring to the cover of The Who Sell Out.

Now, carry on with your lovely discussion of what jarbabyj ought to be immersed in!

Brett Farve, a porno mag, a vat of vaseline, and presto!

A warm pool of Packer Spooge. It’s Brettastic!

Mmmm. How about a big smoothie bath? Strawberry, perhaps.

Think of this all makes me want to dive into a vat of some delicious food.

How about jell-o?

Gummy Bears (Perhaps that explains the ones that taste like dirty penis:D )