Hey June, don't make it bad (but you will) [Mini-Rant]

How long should a fucking bruise scrape burn take to heal. I whacked my shin on an iron cart, the same one that was hurt in a fall earlier this year. Then my next brilliant move was to spill scalding water down same leg.

It’s been oh 4-6 weeks. Doesn’t hurt, throb or feel feverish, but it’s a plum sized red supernova with a magenta blob in the middle. FFS!

Some days I think it’s lightening up and shrinking other days it’s as red as Mars angry like Venus.

I’ll call the doc don’t know why I’m procrastinating but no pain no complain.

Oh and poison ivy on the back of same leg? I nuked the blisters with steroid cream. No itch and it’s contained but those nasty little blisters remain. And the fucking PI vine is sprouting everywhere in my yard. Suddenly I want a 55 gallon drum of RoundUp.