Hey June, don't make it bad (but you will) [Mini-Rant]

Switzerland’s playing France tonight. The match STARTS at 9pm. At least most people will have their windows closed because it’s raining. Again.

When Italy was winning the other evening we learning how many Italian neighbors we have. A lot.

And because of last week’s walnut-sized hail, both the Roma and the cherry tomato are probably going to die. So no home-grown tomatoes.

Did I mention it’s raining?

The longest professional baseball game was just shy of 8.5 hours long and went 33 innings.

Don’t give up! A couple of years back, we had a freak hail storm that took out most of my kitchen garden. I cut everything back and fed them well. The cherry tomatoes came back and produced like crazy for the rest of the season.

And there were people in attendance who left in the bottom of the eighth to beat traffic.

We had considerable vegetable garden mangling due to a hailstorm last year. Everything came back and produced well.

for learning true insults play this

its on everything that plays games …

Captchas Are Evil.

Yes, I know the reasoning behind them - but the way they are implemented is nearly impossible for a human to figure out, too.

Case in point: A system I use daily for work now requires a captcha. Mind you, this system is web-based, and leads to queries that access personally-identifiable info, so it does need security. But it has recently gone from occasionally requiring a photo captcha, to ALWAYS requiring one. And it’s either a collection of tiny photos (“Click all the pictures that contain bikes!”) or a large photo that is in segments (“Click every section that has a crosswalk!”).

So… “is that a bike? or a shadow?”. “Is that a crosswalk, or a reflection?” etc etc etc etc. And when you click all the individual photos, you find it’s replaced those with additional ones, that you now need to inspect.

Note that these photos are tiny and blurry.


Most days, I go through between 2 and 5 sets of photos before I manage to click all the correct ones and none of the wrong ones.

That’s not a captcha. That’s a craptcha.

As if I didn’t have enough crap to deal with around the house, my wired/networked smoke+CO detectors have been gradually failing. Now the one upstairs is emitting a short but ear-piercing shriek intermittently every few hours. It waits just long enough for me to forget about it, and then … SHRIEK!!! They’re about fifteen years old so no surprise. I finally ordered three new ones on Sunday night. The original ones are discontinued so these will require new brackets and a new wiring harness, so another home-maintenance project goes on the list.

I’m too old for this shit. I need someone like George Utley, Bob Newhart’s live-in handyman on Newhart, a guy in denim overalls who is always around, with a complete set of screwdrivers in his upper pocket and a hammer dangling from his belt. I note that all that Bob ever does in that show is stand around and banter with the guests and the staff. This is what I should be doing, not getting up on ladders and stuff.

Don’t you just hate it when you fail a Turing test?

I can relate, I have similar issues with captchas I encounter regularly.

Just think how Mecharella feels.

It’s times like yours when I’m so glad to have a husband who’s 6’10".

You don’t even have to be right, you just have to be as right as other people.

Ever wonder how, if the idea is to keep computers from figuring it out, how does the computer know if you’re right? It compares your answers to the answers other real people give.

Then, your answers are used to improve the labels on both the original set of photos, and AIs that get better at recognizing things in photos. That’s why they have to be so hard, the computers are getting better at these things all the time.

I’ve heard Google’s also using results from those to help improve AI in self-driving cars. Can’t really say how likely that is to be true :slight_smile:

It makes sense… but utterly terrifies me when I think of the reliability of such cars!

The next car I encounter:

“Oh, it looks like I’m about to hit a pedestrian… but no, Walter Wambolio of Waunakee, Wisconsin tagged that as “Not A Person”, and Geneviève Crudité of Lausanne, Switzerland clicked on it as “A Square With A Bird In It”… so full speed ahead!”


No, I don’t have it yet. I just read up on the changes from 10 to 11 and found that little gem which just infuriates me. I like my taskbar on the right, I find it to be faster. But NO, M$ in it’s not-so-infinite wisdom has decided the only place the taskbar can be now is the bottom of the screen.

I hope to hell someone comes up with an app or SOMETHING that will let me move it to where I want it.

I guarantee you they will. And it’s not the first time MS has made a dramatic decision that they back away from quickly. They did the same with “Metro” in Windows 8.

“Live Tiles” are gone, too, as is tablet mode. Neither of those things bother me since I didn’t use them.

But I still yelled at them on Twitter.

More info here:

I swear that I remember hearing that with Windows 10 Microsoft was doing putting numbers on their releases (not that that wasn’t stupid, but I’ sure I have an actual memory of that).