Hey ladies: what do you think about kilts?

Absolutely not at MY wedding or funeral. Ack!

I’m cool with kilts if the environment is right.
Kind of hot.

But if a dudes just wearing a kilt to come hang out with me… yeah forget it. Ballsy and still kind of hot.

I would say I get far more positive than negative reactions from women to my Utilikilts (I have 7 and wear one just about everywhere). The only times I specifically recall smirking has been in Utah. I have been wearing them regular-like for about a dozen years, so I look like I feel comfortable in them.

From personal (male) experience: kilts are a babe-magnet. :slight_smile:

Mrs Piper exerts kilt-veto accordingly.

I tried wearing a kilt, but I’m tall and skinny and have skinny legs and knobbly knees, and I was forced to conclude that kilts just don’t work with my legs.

Shorts, on the other hand, I wear all the time. And my skinny legs look fine in them.

So, chunky rugby player legs: look good in kilts. Skinny guitar player legs: not so much.


ooh, that’s a good way to put it. That describes the two straight guys I know who regularly wear kilts. I’m nerdy, and don’t object to guys looking nerdy, though.


At your funeral? What you gonna do, have a word with their mother?

Its the affectation, not the nerdiness. I don’t mind nerdy looking guys at all.

Haunt them :smiley: I’ve also promised to come back to haunt anyone who decides that “On Eagles Wings” needs to be heard.

Okay. Neither of the guys I am thinking of looks especially affected. They were kilts because, I dunno, they like wearing kilts.

Obligatory Scotsman Song reference here: The Scotsman - Lyrics - YouTube

I don’t live in Scotland. I think I’ve only seen a kilt on someone in a pipe band. If I were to wear one it would have the obvious effect of having everyone around me think “hey look it’s a guy wearing a kilt.” It’s as much of an affectation as wearing a cape or a monocle or a top hat.

I’ve seen way more guys in top hats in my life than I have in kilts. Other than pipers, the only men I’ve ever seen in kilts were male staff at The Tilted Kilt. In these parts, wearing one out and about would definitely be a cry for attention. Attention you most likely would wish you hadn’t attracted.

Pepper Mill loves kilts. Some of our friends have them. She wants to see me in one, because she likes my legs*. I got measured for one at a con, but didn’t have the money for one. By the time the next con rolled around (and I had the money), Kilt Guy wasn’t there, and hasn’t been back since.

I want to get one, if only so she can play out the “Under the Scot’s mans Kilt” scenario


I think of them like tuxedos - when done right, they look really good and I think they can really complement the wearer. Or they can look horribly wrong, but I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a red velvet kilt with satin trim…

In general, tho, I like 'em.

Exactly. And a cry for attention like that is an affectation.

I’ve seen enough kilts that it isn’t that weird.

I think I’ve seen guys wearing kilts out in public (and not in some kind of ceremony/ritual thing) only a few times. And each time, it was kind of a shock. Not because they didn’t look “good”, but because they simply stood out, as just about anyone does (except for Indian women in saris) who wears traditional garb out in public. Maybe if it was something I saw on a regular basis, I’d be able to give a fair appraisal of the look.

She doesn’t have a plaid skirt you can borrow?