Hey, Nava! Simple Spanish Translation - "Christmas Holidays"

Is there a word in Spanish for the Christmas Holidays?

Context - we are wanting to translate an advertisement to get people downtown for our “Holiday Lights Festival”, you know those things. They start soon after Thanksgiving and run through Christmas.

So, we don’t want to use “holidays”, we don’t want to use “Christmas”, we want to refer to the season itself. What say you? I thought there was a word for it, but I don’t have my dictionaries here with me.

According to Google’s Language Tools, “holidays” is “días de fiesta”, and “Christmas holidays” is “días de fiesta de Navidad”.


niblet_head, I guess Nava would know the word (if any) that is used in Spain for this time period. Since you’re in the US, maybe one of our American Hispanic posters could give a better answer. Someone like xtisme, or JRDelirious. (Both of them are Hispanic, aren’t they?)

Yeah, you’re right. Our audience is primarily Mexican immigrants. I just couldn’t think of anyone else I knew spoke Spanish!


Over here “¡Felices Fiestas!” works fine; I´m not sure if further north it´s the norm or not

“Fiestas Decembrinas,” according to my from-Mexico wife who’s having trouble wondering why anyone in the USA would want to skirt around the mentioning of Christmas during, you know, Christmas. (I only said gracias politely rather than try to explain it to her.)

So I guess I’ll venture something like this: “Vengan a celebrar las fiestas decembrinas con el espectaculo de luces!”

Try “festival de luces decembrinas”.

So are only certain posters allowed to answer GQ questions now? :slight_smile:

Heck, there isn’t even an English word for it. :wink:

By which I mean, I’ve never run into the phrase “Christmas Holidays” before. I’ve heard Christmas, Christmastime, the Holidays, and (the) Holiday Season. The last one is what you seem to be describing.

Are you sure “Christmas Holidays” is exactly what you want to say?

That’s right, and you’re not one of them, so buzz off.

:wink: Yes, that was a joke.

I’ve heard them referred to as the fiestas navideñas here in Panama; you wouldn’t refer to the the Christmas holidays without referring to Christmas itself. (Since Thanksgiving is not celebrated in Latin America, the concept of a holiday period that runs from late November until New Year is not really widespread. If there is such a thing as the Christmas “season” in Panama, it may kick in after Mother’s Day on December 8.) If I were writing it, I might go with festival de luces navideñas.

Mother’s Day on the feast day of the Immaculate Conception. Makes sense!