Hey New Englanders...Remember all those complaints about the snow and cold and rain?

meh, I live in connecticut and as far as I am concerned it doesn’t have winter. It has a few days of slush with sporadic flurries. I spent a lot of time growing up back in the 60s in western NY state. I canclearly remember sledding out of 3d floor windows, and snow drifts tall enough to burrow in and make ice caves. The snow was on th ground long enough to build up a ‘base’ and get several feet thick.

When we moved to connecticut, that first winter, and got a noreaster warning, I did the usual rochester/buffalo thing of getting about 5 gallons of water, an assortment of foods that would be easy to make on the wood stove, added candles and batteries for the flashlights and a couple new liter bottles of propane for the coleman lantern, Meh - all that foof for a measly 2 inches of snow in 6 hours. It isnt a noreaster unless you get at least 3 or 4 inches of snow an hour. They close the schools down and the state creaks to a close if there is an inch accumulated overnight. Anything other than a light dusting and it is the end of the world. Meh. I drove from Rochester NY to Springfield OH in the blizzard that shut down half the east coast back in the early 80s [82? was dating a kid named charles who went to uni out there] and all it did was turn a 6 hour drive into a 10 hour drive for me.

I detest heat, with my wonky thyroid [that the navy’s tricare system refuses to recognize] along with a lack of ability to depend on my body thermistat I find it simply easier to refrigerate the place and add clothing as needed. My air conditioner is jammed in the window right now, turning my room into a meat locker and barring loss of electricity it will stay that way until fall.

Hello to my near neighbor, Salem.

I am packing for a trip to Sweden via Iceland. I cannot explain how difficult it is to pack for 60-degree days and 40-degree nights when it is a sweaty 90 degrees in my house (no a/c, of course!). My mind keeps telling me that I need to pack long sleeve shirts, pants, and fleece, but I swear just holding them is making me sweat more.

Love love LOVE summer!

Bring on the heat baybeh!
I truly detest the winters here. And summer’s waaaay too short.

Well, thanks, guys. But before you give me too much credit, let me confess that mine is a stance born more of weakness than of strength. I have even been known to cry while watching the weather. Moew so during the record-breaking summer of 2002, when I was quite pregnant, but still. Hot and sticky is not for me.

More so. The humidity has short-circuited my brain.

Love the heat. I’d rather it was 90 than 20. I complain all winter long.

The heat gives me the opportunity to gently tease my husband. He hates anything above 70 degrees while I’ve been known to shiver at that temp.

I’d much rather be hot than cold.

Please let me be cold, please let me be cold, please let me be cold…
I, too, have thyroid issues (low, though, which is supposed to make me COLD intolerant-ha!).
I gotta say: I was heat intolerant as a small child in FL (no A/C in FL in 1964), when I was a young thing who weighed 115 lbs and now, middle aged, a bit more than 115, but hardly obese (normal ht and wt here).
Mosquitos LOVE me, humidity and my hair do a jitterbug all summer, and my pale skin (think Casper) and my vitiligo–all conspire to make me hate heat.

When you have to wet your hair down in order to cool off, DAILY–heat is not your friend.

I long for sweaters, chill in the air, seeing my breathe and new mittens. Really!

I’ve lived up here for 25 years and finally yesterday ordered two air conditioners. If it’s this hot this early in the season, I’m not going to survive the summer without A/C. :eek:

I am just constantly amused at how surprised my coworkers get by the sudden onset of summer here… every year! I’ve been living in New England since 2000 and it’s long enough to notice the general lousy efforts at spring. However, MY personal bitching season is winter and I try to be consistent and not bitch about the warm weather I’ve been longing for during the icy frozen months.

Down here it’s been rain–thank goodness. I think the drought is over.

We’ve had cold, wet Junes here before, but it’s been a lo-ong time since the last one.

Still wearing my winter jammies to bed. Hope my tomato plants survive.

I hate it.

I’m like DirtyHippy; I complain all winter long.

The humidity is making me feel like I’m breathing underwater. A friend of mine is up from Phoenix and is miserable too.

Proof positive it’s not the heat it’s the humidity. :smiley:

So after 6 days of this, my hair is so big, I had to widen my doorways and buy a convertible. We went up to NH yesterday to seek a bit of relief. (Hey Lilly!. What a great trip plan. How did that come about? How’s the little munchkin doing?) Well, we found it, but it was in a cool basement with leather couches that were equally cool.
How was Spring in other parts of the country that have the four seasons? Anyone get a real Spring this year?

I hate the hot. Hate it hate it hate it.

I would actually rather it be snowing. I only have to worry about the snow when I’m driving. When I get home I’m done with it. Now when I get home it’s still hot. Thank God for the A/C.

I’m gonna go move in with Lightnin’