Hey Rep. Meehan- why don't you SHUT YOUR FUCKING PIE HOLE???


You should read this shit from these two bozos- Massachusetts Congressmen Martin Meehan and Richard Neal. In the article Meehan, who frankly should know better, criticizes Bush for hiding on Tuesday, looking weak, and even implies Air Force One was NOT a target, just an excuse for Bush to take a powder.

You asshole. Look everyone has a right to free speech . . but you comments are out of line. WE ARE IN A WAR, you dumbfucks. If you want to criticize Bush for being “bland” that’s one thing . . but I don’t think you know what you are talking about when you imply Bush “backed down” Tuesday.

Here’s two paragrphs from the article:

*"U.S. Rep. Martin T. Meehan (D-Lowell) scoffed at reports Air Force One was targeted by terrorists - the reason Bush aides have put forth to explain why the president delayed his return to Washington after Tuesday’s attack on the Pentagon. I don't buy the notion Air Force One was a target,'' said Meehan. That’s just PR. That’s just spin.’'

"Bush has been under fire for not returning to Washington more quickly after Tuesday’s attacks to take control of the situation and reassure a jittery public.

Some pundits have suggested his detour to safe military bases in Louisiana and Nebraska sent a message of weakness."*

You dumbfuck. I guess you missed the news on Tuesday- WE WERE UNDER ATTACK. What did you want Bush to do- sit in the Oval Office so another jetliner could drop on top of his ass? No one knew what was going on Tuesday or who or what was targeted. And just WHAT evidence do YOU have it was a “spin”?

Even Clinton in an interview said that it is Standard Operating Procedure to safely spirit away government officials- INCLUDING CONGRESSIONAL LEADERS, when under attack.

Here’s an idea, Meehan. Since the hijacked airliners originated out of YOUR STATE, why don’t you SHUT YOUR FUCKING PIE-HOLE, and investigate why there is a TERRORIST CELL IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD???

Now is not the time to politicize this tragedy.

Indeed, the incidents yesterday regarding suspects detained at New York airports could indicate that fears of further attack are well-founded. There’s a reason that Cheney and Bush are separated right now, and it ain’t because one of them has bad breath.

When I first heard that Bush had not gone to Washington, I admit I found it curious. But when you take into consideration that the pentagon had been hit, getting the president somewhere safe just seems like a logical idea. Especially when you consider that nobody had an idea of what else was going to happen.

To politicize anything that was done by the president on Tuesday is tactless. And it is the height of hipocrasy for anybody from Boston to be pointing fingers. I hope that voters remember stuff like this when these idiots come up for re-election.

I, for one, was glad he didn’t go straight back to Washington.

I suppose they would rather he had been more, “Here, let me just go sit right in the middle of this target.”
And I’m disgusted by the true colors of some of the politicians that have come out in the last few days.

My first gut instinct was if I were President, I would INSIST on flying right to the White House to show strength, but my guess is I would be talked out of it by the NSA and the Secret Service for many many reasons, including making keeping other people safe much more complicated.

You would have zero say-so in the matter. The Secret Service takes their responsibility for the safety of the president terribly seriously. If they’re willing to take a bullet for him, you can bet they have no problem with threats to be fired.

Right, and this makes Meehan look like even more of a jerkoff. Let me guess his retraction:

"I was misquoted."

airforce one is a mobile command center. Bush was advised to go to norad - he refused to hide even though it would have been unwize for him to return to the whitehouse (which he did not)

There are people complaning about people using this event to advance their political motives and this is a glaring exapmle of it.

You’re right, of course. I really needed to address the OP rather than nitpick. Meehan is a self-serving idiot.

When the first plane hit, Bush was in Florida.

When some kind of real or percieved threat is underway, the President has little choice- the Secret Service have certain protocols they execute, designed to keep their man safe.

They then flew to… I think Nebraska. I’ll assume the flight time was roughly three hours or so.

Once back on the ground and with new information (after an hour or two) Bush reportedly said, paraphrased, start the airplane, we’re going to the White House. The Secret Service apparently didn’t like it, but Bush insisted he wasn’t going to hide.

Flight to DC: Guessing again, two hours? Hour and a half?

Within seven hours of the first plane impact, Bush gave an address from the Oval Office, which more than one source reported as a direct target.

Seven hours, much of which was spent in flight.

Also remember that during all that time he was in contact with his whole cabinet and the VP in the Situation Room. Air Force One is considered one of the most sophisticated communications centers in the world. (I saw a documentary about it. :slight_smile: )

Actually, he flew from Florida to Louisiana, and gave his first speech there. Then he went to Nebraska. Then he went back to Washington. All in 7 hours. I think he’s doing a fine job.

Okay. I have to say this: those who are griping about Bush not being in a particular geographical place are just as ill-informed as those who griped about his vacation.

Even while on “vacation,” the President has access, as mentioned above, to communications with durn near everyone on the planet. It really doesn’t matter where he’s located; just what he’s doing while located there.

For once I have to agree with Vinnie entirely. As a Democrat, I’m embarrased and ashamed.

As for the President, I too think he’s doing a great job and commend him for keeping it together. I have always been very critical of him, and I may still be when it comes to policy, but not character. He’s got my support.


Maaaahty Meehan is well known here as a Clinton buttboy (did everything short of a Lewinsky during the impeachment proceedings) and a lying weasel (backed out of his term limits promise).

Now he’s whining because the powers that be here in Mass. redistricted him out of a job…

Good riddance to bad garbage!
