Hey, where'd all the Pepcid Complete go?

It’s not at Costco, nor at Walgreens, Target, Walmart or CVS. I find some store-brand “equivalent” stuff, but it doesn’t work as well.

What gives?

I dunno, but wherever it is, it’s probably hanging out with the Rolaids. Those have disappeared from every store shelf in my area for about the past year. I wonder if they’re ever coming back. Maybe the same thing happened to Pepcid Complete?

It’s just now missing for you? It’s been absent here for about a year. I heard it was due to ‘manufacturing problems’ but at this point we’re way beyond that as an explanation. About 6 to 8 weeks ago it made a brief reappearance, but then nada. I’ve tried some alternatives but nothing seems to work as well or is as easy to chew. Bummer.

Looks like it’s a bit of a mystery. A company rep told the NYT back in March that the product would be back within the month, but no luck.

We had a giant jug of it, and only recently began to run low as we didn’t use it very often. However, I’ve been having a bout of unexplained heartburn lately and the substitute stuff just isn’t cutting it. Poop.

Thanks for the link, Ferret Herder. I wonder what the hidden story is?

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