This video is… wow. Just wow. Fucking incredible. Basically, a film crew gets three people to pretend to steal a bike, and checks the different reactions. The difference between the white boy and the black boy is… absolutely astounding. Racism, alive and well. Fucking christ.
Did you really need to see that video to be sure that people are bigoted and racist. Tell me if you were there and saw a black guy stealing a bike aswell as a white guy, would you have acted any different from the rest of those people.
Just another one of those things that’s hard to quantify. Unfortunately, there’s probably many little incidents like this in which black people and white people are treated totally differently- and individuals are so accustomed to it that it just becomes “normal”.
Oh Jeebus, don’t poke the “racial realists”. It only validates their feelings of righteous indignation. Better to ignore them until they emerge from their underground lairs of their own volition, then poke them.
I haven’t watched this particular video, but I recall a similar exercise where passers-by actually would assist a blonde girl in her attempt to steal a bike.
Black man gets harassed by a mob and the police called and the confronted by a shouty man, white man gets ignored and given “the benefit of the doubt”, white woman gets helped to steal the bike by three different men. Which really ought to be just as much trouble for feminists as for “race realists”, OP.
The posters most often labeled “race realists” tend to be posters who believe that intelligence testing provides an objective truth regarding different ethnic groups.
The posters who would most often deny that racism is a serious problem in the U.S. tend to be a different set of posters. (You could call them “racism deniers” or something.)
Most of the former are also members of the latter.
Anyway most of our scientific racists would probably agree with treating the young black man differently though instead of quoting Rushton they’d start quoting Richard Cohen or Michael Levin.*
*. Admittedly most of them until reading this post are probably too dumb to have heard of Levin.
Also, the one with the runaway and the truckdriver just made me think a pervy old couple could make out like bandits in terms of taking advantage of runaways.
Supposing that it was not edited dishonestly, and the depiction in the video is an accurate summary of what really happened, would the results surprise you?
The problem you correctly point out is one that is at the heart of most of the discussions concerning race, genetics and performance. There is a really, really strong desire on the part of the OP and others to conflate the racial with racist to fit their purposes.
As you say, I have no idea what the OP thinks this has to do with racism. I don’t know of anyone in those threads that denies that it exists, and has very real effects.
There is a correct understanding that people who pretend to be describing racial differences are, in real life, just racists who dress up their prejudices in fancy words.
While I really wish I could assume that all the editing was aboveboard, I’ve been burned far too many times and I just don’t trust how many reactions they cut out until they got to a juicy one.
Complete an utter nonsense. Guess you were absent the day they explained sets and subsets. ::shrug:: But your pathetic attempt to put forth such nonsense proves the point I made. So, thanks!
Disclaimer, OBVIOUSLY there is still racial bias among people. But when I saw this originally on WWYD about a year or so ago, my exact thoughts at the time were (though the announcer said otherwise), that these two kids were NOT “dressed alike”. I suspect it was done on purpose by the show, but the white kid (who also looked much older than the black kid), was dressed in clothing that fit, and the black kid was dressed all saggy. That is what would have stood out to me. I think it would have been a much more clear story if the two kids had been the same size (the black kid is much smaller), same age, and were actually wearing the same thing.