Hi, Sam Stone! -- I Pit the Blathering Bullshit about Stock Market movements

Lighten up on Sam. I’m sure he FINALLY got the economic message. With his worldview shattered, quivering from his damaged psyche; he needs our thoughts and prayers.

There’s a hole in Daddy’s arm
Where all the money goes
Jesus died for nothing
I suppose

Yeah, every time I see his name, I think of “Climbing walls while sitting in a chair”.

Sam Stone conspicuously absent…Hope he did not pop his last balloon!!

Yeah, but nine months from now - watch out.


Here we have Shodan: clueless as usual.

Can’t fault a guy who came back to his wife and family after serving in the conflict overseas.

Especially with a monkey on his back.

But you *can *fault a guy who refused to go himself while cheering others on.

I like guys who didn’t get addicted.

Google is your friend…asshat

Yeah, but you can fault him for taking the easy way out, leaving them twisting in the wind.

This is a reasonable argument to make in April 2018. It would have been absolutely delusional during the Great Recession. No harm if you don’t want to put in the effort, but if you have a cite, I’d love to see it!

You can do a search. Click the “Advanced Search” in the upper search button. Thence, you can filter specifically for posts by Sam Stone, set the range to 7 years old and older, and put in a keyword like “infrastructure”. You will get more than one hit.

However, I strongly discourage this. You would have to actually read his tedious, annoying fecal matter. For instance, this delightful excerpt is kind of close:

I’m familiar with how to perform a search, but thank you. You already seem to understand the reason I opted not to. You may think it rude that I was requesting Voyager do work that I was unwilling to do myself. But this was not my intent: since Voyager seemed to be referring to a specific post, it seemed possible he would have the cite handy or have a shortcut in mind to find it.

Here is the thread. Post 93 is what I mean.

This is from early 2009, not exactly a time of full employment anywhere.

This thread from 2010 is interesting also. Nothing about employment there, but he does predict that our excessive stimulus spending compared to Europe would wreck the US economy. I think this is before Europe chose austerity. As it turned out stimulus beat austerity quite nicely, and we don’t even have to note how horrible the economy has been since 2010.

This one is pretty dreadfully out of touch,

The “Demoxrat” Party has gone hard left? What kind of shit-stained bubble does one have to abide to be thinking that? I think maybe he used to be kind of articulate, but his braincells are dropping like flies.

Then, we see him respond to irony,

(Follow marshmallow’s link to get the joke.) … with his insane hard-line Austrian-school economics. He has a one-track mind, and where that track leads, no one wants to go.

I hates von Mises to pieces!

Rundown of various theories of the rise of nativism in the US by the economist Noah Smith.

Once upon a time, Sam was able to engage with such arguments.

I thought I showed great forbearance. :slight_smile: I asked the question
“According to you, Obama’s excessive regulations held back the stock market. In fact the Market Quadrupled! What would it take for you call Obama’s economy a success? The stock market Quintupling? Sextupling??”
But nitwit was unable to compose a quick answer. Should I have reposted the question once a week? I think waiting nine whole months showed admirable patience. If he can’t come up with an answer in the next 12 months or so, I may re-ask the question in 2019.

Similarly, I mentioned Braess’s Paradox as a very simple but intriguing example where “free markets” cannot produce an optimal result. It was intended to refute the kindergarten-level of economic “thinking” Stone and his ilk engage him. He posted back some gibberish implying that there was a simple refutation to Braess’s Paradox. I was intrigued enough to ask for a preprint. That was several years ago. I’ve not been nagging him — Google suggests that I’ve not asked him for his refutation since 2015. So …

“Hi Sam! I’d still like to hear more about your refutation of Braess’s Paradox. Google can’t find it – Did you publish on the Dark Web?”

Eh, you can see the simplicity of Connedservative group think re: economics by their slavish devotion and purposeful misunderstanding of the Laffer curve.