My account with ING direct was set up with 4.25% interest rates when I signed up a year ago. Over the last few months it has fallen to 3.4% and before long will be below 3%. I am now looking for a new bank with a higher interest rate to hold my “buying my dreamhouse” money. Anybody have any suggestions as to where to move my account?
Which bank do you use for your high interest account? How much interest do you get? Is there a minimum balance for you to maintain that account?
All savings interest rates are falling, but you might want to check out Etrade Bank. Before the rate drop, they were paying 5.05% on their savings accts. I think they are at 4.4% now.
Also, depending on your tax bracket, you might get a better after-tax return putting it in a tax-exempt money market fund. In California, check out Vanguard California Tax Exempt Money Market Fund (VCTXX), or one appropriate to your state.
I use Ford Interest Advantage which has been higher than everyone for a while, but it’s way down now (it’s been up over 5% for the past year for under $15,000). It’s not FDIC insured, requires a minimum of $1000 in the account and a $50 minimum monthly deposit. It is liquid in that you get checks and can transfer easily between your account and a bank account.
Look for financial institutions that are attempting to raise capital through increased deposits. Typically institutions in need of cash flow will offer high interest savings accounts as an attempt to quickly get that cash. I would not be surprised to see better rates at places like Countrywide.
You might think about plunking it into CDs. At least the rate won’t drop during the term of the CD. Some banks offer a “jump up” CD: when interest rates go up, so do the CD rates. Of course, they usually offer this when they think there is a downturn coming.
:dubious: Yeah, but CD rates are down too. It might be helpful for the next downturn, but it won’t help now without a time machine. Generally, CD rates are not much better than or even worse than the savings rates anyway.
Etrade has worked fine for me. They took forever to send my 1099, but that’s easy to calculate anyway just by looking at interest paid. Their rates did go down in January, probably around the same time that ING went down.
Not sure what the frowny face is for. If you put your money in a bank account that is paying 4% vs 3%, how long do you think it will take before you’re right down there at the lower rate? You’re better off finding a bank with the highest CD interest than one with the highest passbook interest, unless you need the money in the short term. In any case, you’re not keeping up with inflation at those returns rates.
I’m banking on the idea that Ford Credit will not fold up shop and disappear. Get sold, maybe. Die a slow death, maybe. But not anything that would keep me from being able to pull my money out ASAP.
I wonder if I can talk the rest of the City Council into using a non-local bank for our CDs.
We tried to renew one for $40K that had been drawing 5.25%. The bank said they didn’t want to renew – they didn’t want our money at all. (The mayor must have pissed somebody off.) We went to another local bank and they offered 3%.
I’m printing out the Bank Deals pages and taking it to the next meeting. We have more CDs maturing this year.