I think I can safely say that I was the one on the boards who discovered “Asian Prince” even though I didn’t get credit on the Wierd Earl’s. I laughed even harder at this site, which is saying something.
I found it earlier today, and both myself and the girl sitting next to me were asked to leave the hallway we were sitting in because we were laughing too loud.
Here it is. Be sure and check out the other poetry pages too. Hehe. Especially the “Rude Poems”. They seem not to be funny like they want to be, just so bizarre that you can’t help but laugh. Especially that one poem where like every word is “poon”.
Lemme know what you think.
I LOVE THAT. Oh god, there is something so pathetically hilarious there.
Actually, I find that site poignant and if these people find that writing dreadful poetry is a way to heal, more power to them. However, one gripe:
Uh, thank you.
They make the same mistake all writers of bad poetry nowadays do: attention to rhyme, but not the slightest clue about meter. :rolleyes:
Poetry doesn’t have to rhyme of course, but bad poets haven’t learned this. But if you want to rhyme a poem, then you’re obligated to know something about meter. These people wouldn’t know a metrical foot if it kicked them in the ass.
I shudder when I think of the hideous poems I used to write in junior high.
Hey, maxpages-cartoon dolls-I love those things! They’re so much fun.