His handlers let Donald have his Twitter back

And hetweets that tens of thousands of protesters are paid.

Conservatively there had to have been at least 100,000 of them across the country. At, say $10 per hour for a two hour gig that would be a cool two million. Which millionaire does Donald suspect and how does he think the funds were disbursed?

I think he might need to be sedated.

What a pathetic asshole.

Well, if nothing else, the next 4 years should be somewhat entertaining. Damn whomever managed to get his twitter account away from him in the first place. He managed to seem reasonable for 2 weeks and look where we are.

Someone else must have his account too, because later “he” tweeted the complete opposite:

“Love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country. We will all come together and be proud!”

Great. So are we now going to have national policy set by late-night tweets? Wonderful. :rolleyes:

I’m surprised more attention is not being paid to that ‘incited by media’ remark. Over and over again during his campaign, Trump has made it clear that he is very much in favor of gagging the press. Now he has the power to at least have a go at it.

Hey, Trump is already creating jobs for today’s Millennials!

Anyone else find it frightening that the next leader of the free world can’t be trusted (by his own campaign staff) with a Twitter account but will be trusted with the nuclear launch codes? I really don’t understand why tens of millions of my fellow Americans voted for him.

The only thing I can figure is when they said we should “burn it all down”, they meant “in nuclear fire”.

I’m crossing my fingers that they make the buttons on the nuclear football smaller so his fingers look bigger. Maybe it’ll be harder to operate that way.

It looks like they took it back again, because hours after that tweet, the account tweeted “Love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country. We will all come together and be proud!

Honestly, does *anyone *really think that His Trumpiness, himself, actually wrote that?

His supporters.
They would eat shit and believe it’s chocolate ganache if Trump told them it was.

That is a remarkably diplomatic comment for him.