I’m getting a bit stressed out tonight, awaiting A-Level results tomorrow. I shouldn’t really be stressed out because I can’t do that badly be way of my current marks. But I’m still anxious. I’m thinking, therefore, that stress is going to be a factor in the following…
Tonight, whilst surfing the web, my whole right side of my field of vision looked as if I’d stared into a bulb. Big blurry white mass of light obstructing me from reading web pages properly. But I hadn’t looked into any lights or anything.
It died down after a while, but developed into something a bit wierder, like there was some kinda lens effect on my eyes, everything on the right side started ‘melting’ around the edges, with a kind of oil on water effect going on. Crazy. When I try to look at it, it moves, as expected, like it’s something on my eye or in my head.
I’ve developed a dull ache in my head over the last couple of hours, too, and Paracetamol and Ibuprofen dont seem to shake it.
So I talked to my parents about it, and they’re assuring me this is just a migraine.
I’ve never got migraines before though, so why develop them now, and does this mean I’m going to be prone to getting them more in the future? Because that would suck.
I’m obviously not after any medical diagnosis here, if it doesn’t shift by tomorrow I’ll go to see my GP. I was hoping, though, that someone might recognise some of these symtoms and say ‘Oh, yes, had that once before. Never happened again though.’
So does this sound familiar to anyone? Or should I be worried?
Thankyou in advance,