Holdeck of the Mind?

A picture is snatched at 60Hz (approx refresh rate) and transfereed to our processor (brain) then processed to give us an outstanding quality 3D movie or picture…
(as we see it)

What I have been thinking about is this:

How is it possible to see what we do (in everyday life) through chemicals and electrical pulses, and if so … how much does the image you see of the same thing differ from mine?

It wouldnt even be possible to research this as the researcher would see different to you… e.g. His colour purple is my red and vice versa… That is how people have different colour tastes… (so i think)

Does anyone think about this other than me? Or am i trying to ask impossible questions…

My thoughts bring me to the holodeck featured in “Star Trek” episodes… using holograms to depict real life scenarios… do we have one in our brain perhaps?

Enough said. I dont want to stretch this topic out too much…

Your input would be most appreciated : )


You’re not the only one who thinks about this. I remember having a similar discussion with a female friend of mine a couple years ago and she insisted that people “see” colors differently. I insisted that we don’t, or that if we do, the difference is negligible. Otherwise, it seems to me, commonly recognized colors (red, yellow, green, etc) that society uses as cues (stop lights come to mind) wouldn’t work. Or maybe I haven’t thought it through enough? If I’m looking at something I think is red, and someone else sees it as what I would perceive as orange, but he thinks of it as red, is that a problem? As long as he attaches the label “red” to that color, I don’t think so, but then the practical side of my brain thinks that you really can’t have billions of people walking around the earth perceiving colors differently, and at this point my brain starts hurting, so I stop thinking about it.

Someone with more brainpower than me needs to take a shot at this. Just wanted you to know you’re not alone!

I recall reading an article in Discover magazine about a dosorder called “dysthesia” wherein some people had a disorder where they did percieve things differently.

The difference in their perceptions were not limited to sight. I recall one woman with the disease describing how she baked a turkey. According to her, a raw or underdone bird was “spikey”, but it was done when it smelled “red” and looked “spherical”. It’s not like she was crashing into walls, either. According to the article, people suffering that disorder had few problems living a normal life, apart from the difficulty of communicating their perceptions to others.

If anyone finds the article in question, please correct the numerous mistakes I’m sure I must have made – it’s been a few years since I read the article. I’m pretty sure I didn’t get everything wrong, though.


Baloo, you are right there…

I have caught myself describing smells as colours… e.g. fog would (to me) be a white smell… although fog is white, it may just be a bad link in my brain… because it can associate fog as bing white in colour…

BUT… many other times i have used alot more than colour to describe senses…

And thankyou flyboy, I am releaved to know im not going insane… I think too much for a 16 year old, but who is to express the limit of thought as opposed to your age… a 5 year old genius would have no limit… is the limit just the max your brain can handle at any one time???

I am babbling… now you know how my mind works…

Thanks felles,