Holiday Treats

Just curious (and shamelessly looking for new ideas) for those of you that cook up holiday treats to hand out to friends- what are you doing this year?

This is what I’m thinking of doing (I did the Chex Mix last year, plus made an extra spicy batch for us ;).

Nutter Butter Snowmen

PW’s Chex Mix

Plus these awesome Pillsbury Crescent cream cheese squares that I can’t find a recipe online for.

Are you looking for mailable treats? or party treats?

I’m making homemade cocoa this year (Alton Brown’s recipe) and putting it in mason jars to hand out to co-workers/friends.

But if you want my favorite party snacks to make, I usually will bring:

mini cherry cheesecakes (I have celiac’s, so I do a nommy gluten-free version).
Beau monde dip in a pumpernickel bread bowl
Marinated mushrooms

These are things my mom used to make for parties when I was a little girl and now I feel compelled to make them or it’s just not Christmas.

My SO recently declared that clam dip and marinated mushrooms are 2 things I must make more often. I don’t know how we dated this long without him trying it.

The cherry cheese cakes sound delicious. I make clam dip also, it’s always a hit.

Looking for things to hand out, not mail. I usually buy some of those little decorative take out containers and give to friends.

Last year I handed out chocolate truffle balls - they are easy to make but look pretty - everyone liked them.

I’m going to try to make a stollen this year. It takes nearly five days of preparation, but I’ve got nothing but time.

Archway Chocolate Coconut Macaroons are the best cookies I’ve had in years, they don’t taste ‘commercial’ at all. They could pass as home-made. (Though I’m probably going to make some macaroons and Russian tea cakes, if I have time.)

For my office’s Thanksgiving potluck last month (and maybe again for Friday’s Xmas lunch) I made pfeffernusse. Not a huge amount of work, and I’m told the leftovers go well with coffee.

I may have to add these, they look delicious and easy!!

Cranberry Sandies