Should the normal trash day, Wednesday be a holiday, trash is picked up on Thursday. Who does it, the guys who had Wednesday off so they have no holiday? Does someone else work extra on Thursday?
I think our refuse company shifts everybody’s schedule back a day, so a day is taken from next weekend and inserted today, and everybody works in the same place as usual but one day later.
That would mean they don’t get a day off. I wonder how they are compensated.
In Massachusetts they get the day off and then shift a day as noted. I think they just speed up and work overtime (extra pay!) the days after a holiday. They are generally unionized in this area of the country and I hardly think they are getting screwed. The contracts spell it all out but holidays are accounted for and overtime is paid out to get the schedule back to normal the next week. It always works that way in my neighborhood.
My local council collects the garbage on the scheduled day, whether or not it’s a public holiday.
If the trash is picked up by the local government, then they’re under the same rules as the police and fire and emergency management and all the other people who have to provide services 365 days a year. When I worked for city government, a holiday meant that the day off shifted for some, like those who did trash pickup. Others just worked it into their regular schedules. Depending on the exact position, you might get various levels of overtime or holiday pay.
Same here. (pickup happens on the normal day, whether or not it’s a holiday)
It’s probably easier for all concerned to pay the crews double-rate for the holiday and have them work at the normal pace, than to have everyone frantically trying to cram two days’ work into one.
I’d wager trying to do two days work in one only results in misery - you’re still looking at a lot of overtime, plus a probable increase in injuries from people working faster than they should, not to mention more calls to the customer service desk from people wondering why it’s 5PM and their trash hasn’t been picked up yet.
Depends on the location. Where I am, they do a double shift the next day. Our day is Thursday, so the day after Thanksgiving they do a double shift.
In the city of Schenectady, the schedule is shifted one day.
I always assumed they just worked extra hard the next day.
In Minneapolis, no garbage is picked up on the holiday. If that was your normal collection day, it’s done the next day instead. If your normal collection day was the day after the holiday, you might be delayed a day, too. Or maybe not. They manage to catch up by the end of the week, because the next week is back on the regular schedule. So during holiday weeks, the workers either work harder, or work longer hours, or they add extra help on those weeks.
In my town, one side gets Monday & Thursday pickup, the other Tuesday & Friday.
On Wednesday the whole town gets recyclables collected.
On holiday weeks, Monday is moved to Tuesday, Tuesday to Wednesday and there’s no recyclable collection.
Decatur has private industry handling garbage pickup, and my Tuesdays-and-Fridays purveyor of waste removal services does not work on holidays.
If you put the trash out on Monday night, and Christmas is on a Tuesday, expect to have your trash picked up on Friday. And of course your Friday trash will include all your Christmas boxes and wrappings, so if there’s too much out there according to some mystical limit that exists only in the trash man’s head, they won’t take it all, but will leave some of it for the following Tuesday.
Which of course is New Year’s Day.
Which is a holiday.
So your December 24th trash eventually gets picked up on January 4.
We’re all used to this. We just work around it.
Where I live, they seem to take the day off and then just make it up during the week. My trash day is Wed., but if Monday is a holiday, sometimes they dont pick up till Thursday.
Our town’s regular schedule consists of only 4 collection days, so pickup shifts a day for trash. The town contracts with a commercial collector. Somehow our recycling day isn’t changed by most holidays.
We have a private collection service. We get ours picked up on Wednesdays. Most weeks with Monday holidays the collection date doesn’t change, but some (Christmas, New Years) things are moved back a day. I can only speculate that on heavy trash weeks they can’t double up.
My ex used to work for Hillside Disposal. This is exactly how it worked.
Our local pickup is simply shifted one day for any pickups scheduled on or after the holiday, and they work on Saturday (presumably at time-and-a-half - still less than double time for working the holiday). We get a twice-yearly printed collection schedule which shows the pickup days and any shifts for holidays. (We’ve also twice had pickups delayed a day due to snow this winter, as the streets had to be plowed before the garbage trucks were able to get down them.)