Holy Trinity options -- Not jambalaya

It might be a little odd, but if you cook it well enough, I doubt you’ll notice it much. Celery has kind of a peppery flavor anyway.

… it’s interesting to see how our hometown cuisine gets interpreted in other areas :smiley:

My wife regularly cooks non-Louisiana cuisine using sauteed trinity as a base. For isntance, a lot of Indian cuisine can be started off with oil & trinity in a pan. Once the trinity’s flavor is released and the trinity components soften up, you can pretty much add whatever you want to the pan.

I’m not saying they’re the same. Just that the flavours are a little too close to make them.

Sorry, but my post didn’t have any intended condescension. I saved it in the event you got all butthurt. Good thing you pulled through for me.

Not only am I familiar with *both *jambalaya and dirty rice, I also went through the trouble of reading the entire thread. You know, where the OP said that even dishes like gumbo and etouffee were off the table for being too similar to jambalaya. So I was able to make the giant logical leap to conclude that a rice dish that contained celery, green peppers, onions, and a protein would be slightly comparable to a rice dish that contained celery, green peppers, onions and a protein. Maybe you’ll suggest paella next?

(Edit: though I can’t say I’ve ever seen a dirty rice recipe with eggplant. It’s crazy enough that it just might work. How big of eggplants are we talking about? 2-3 seems like an enormous amount.)

The suggestion has been made. Take it or leave it, I frankly don’t care. Someone else might be curious enough to try the recipe, as you seem to be now.

In any case, 2-3 small ones off season when they’re not so big. When they’re in season and huge, you can get away with one fat one. Use your judgement, for what it’s worth.

The more I think about it, the more I’m leaning toward dirty rice. Gotta get more chicken livers, though. Or I can supplement the livers I have with a couple of boudin sausages.

You’re just spiting me for being a jackass, aren’t you?

I’m just feeling like it’s getting time for some filtration units.

Actually, I was thinking I might make a Spicy McHaggis sandwich sometime. But that will be a different thread.