Home Advisor fishy responses

Today I put in a request for quotes for gutter cleaning on Homeadvisor.com for a job in Pennsylvania.

Within moments I got two calls:

Call 1 showed up on my iPhone as from Honolulu, yet the voice mail was from a phone call with a local area code.

Call 2 " " from North Carolina, this time asking me to call back an 800 number.

About 2 1/2 years ago I used this website for emergency repair work on a house I was looking to sell, and every time I needed a repair I hit a home run all with local contractors. I may have overpaid, but each time a local painter, electrician and landscaper responded, did the work under the deadline, did a great job and got paid.

As you can guess suddenly I am now a little suspicious. Is there a gutter cleaning racket I should be aware of? Or have scammers gotten wise to Home Advisor, Angie’s List etc and have found a way to “sub contract” inquiries onto these websites.

Or . . . . Am I just being paranoid and should just call back these cats?


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