The thing is homelessnes is more than simply not having a place to live, it’s about being in a situation where you have no one in the world to help. Now this can be due to your fault or no fault of your own.
Ask yourself this, what if I told you to get out of your house with just the clothes on your back.
OK you do this. Now go make it in the world. How do you do this?
When I ask people this, the answer is always like, “I would never be in that situation.” Well perhaps, but they don’t answer my question.
Find a job with NO references. Find a job with one set of clothes. Find a job with no phone. Find a job… Well you get the idea.
Look no one says “Gee, I want to lose all my diginity. Or I’m just to lazy to work.” Begging is hard work, it’s humiliating too.
The fact is if you’re a homeless there is a reason for this. You have no support system, if you did someone would take you in.
Homelessness is complex because a lot of them bring it on themselves. If you’re a druggie and paying your dealer instead of your landlord, you won’t get much sympathy and you don’t deserve it, but that isn’t solving the problem.
Whenever you get a topic like this it consistantly floats back to “they broght it on themselves.” And if this is true, fine, but it stating a problem does nothing to solve it. It’s like saying “Well you jumped off the roof and broke your leg. You shouldn’t have done that.” Well knowing you shouldn’t have done that is useful advice for the future but it doesn’t heal your leg.
The OP said "the person looked able bodied, so do many people with epilepsy, or MS or heart diseases. They can have periods where they are fine, but periods that make long term employment difficult to obtain or keep. I knew one guy with epilepsy, he’d shake a lot but had hours where he was fine. He always got jobs, of course he didn’t keep them very long. Add that to the fact he couldn’t drive a car, so he was very limited in his option but this guy was 23, young fit and handsome, until you saw him shaking, which he did several times per hour.
For me, I would give my money to the Salvation Army. I have done a lot of volunteering and these people get results. Yeah there’s a religious thing to it, which some people object,but they do get results on a shoestring budget.
Whether it’s homelessness or drug programs or unwed mothers, they help a lot of people. More importantly the SA get’s long term results. I personally have seen people get back on their feet and get jobs, and housing and get off drugs, thanks to them
Of coure, there is the religious angle to sit through. But it’s like anything in life, you take the good and bad. And sitting through some religous talk to get your life back on track isn’t going to hurt anyone permanently