Hooking up a Kindle Fire to output onto a tv screen or monitor

I would like to load an .avi file onto my Kindle Fire and play it on the large computer monitor or television at my mother’s house. Is there any way to do this directly? Some kind of cable or app? I know I could burn it to a dvd or physically transfer the file, but I’d rather use the Kindle if possible.

If the Fire (and the TV for that matter) has an HDMI connection you should just be able to pick up a cable and connect them. I haven’t looked at the Fire, but I’d guess it has a mini HDMI jack. You can get Mini HDMI to HDMI cables from monoprice.com for a few dollars (as opposed to $25 at Best Buy).

ETA, from Amazon.com “Enjoy seeing your photos on your TV via HDMI, or tap on individual images to email them to anyone you like.”

ETA2, from the specs “Micro-HDMI (micro-D connector) port for high definition video output to televisions or A/V receivers”

ETA3 MicroHDMI to HDMI, 10 Feet, $5.76 plus shipping from Monoprice.com

Best Buy has them as well, but the ones in the store about going to be $20-$30, the $8-$10 ones will have to be ordered and I can vouch for Monoprice.com. If you’re going to order from them, take a look at their site and get anything else you might need right away as well. Extra cables, printer cartridges etc.

Beyond that, I don’t know anything about the Fire, but I’m willing to bet it uses something similar to Android’s Mirror Mode. That is, plug it in and anything you see in the screen will be duplicated on the TV/Monitor.

The Fire doesn’t have a micro-HDMI, it just has micro-USB.

Ahhh, I probably looked at the Kindle FireHD. I doubt you’re going to get anywhere via USB to play it right on to her monitor, but you could probably (and I’m just assuming here), plug it into her computer via the USB cable and navigate to it like a jump drive.

I’m assuming she doesn’t have a modern receiver or Smart TV connected to the internet and wifi, in which case DLNA might be an option.

Her last tv could play Netflix movies. She just got a new one, uncertain of the bells and whistles on that.

I’ll investigate what you said about plugging in and using it like a jump drive, though. I just don’t know if it will play over that connection or if I’d have to copy the file over. Thanks for the suggestion!