Horror pics on cig packets

I’m not sure I’d call that knowledge. It’s more like memory.

Here’s a link to the Canadian ones.

Apparently, kids (well, teens old enough to smoke) were collecting them when they first came out. “You got a diseased lung? I’ll trade you my Rod and Todd for that.”

(The one showing the two kids with the caption “Don’t Poison Us” is known colloquially as the “Rod and Todd” pack.)

I feel obligated to recommend the movie Thank You For Smoking.

There is a sequence discussing the need for imagery on the packs sold in the US, with one actor testifying that it discriminates against non-English speakers to only have warning labels with words in English.

…and knowledge comes from memory.

I’d be willing to debate that. […gauntlet down…] Open a thread at your leisure. :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t, because I don’t know how, as I have no memory of ever reading any instructions. :wink:

And you can’t read them now? I’m not denying that you (can) remember what you know. But knowledge isn’t memory any more than a payment is a receipt.

Dude. Why are you splitting hairs over this? I’m pretty sure my point was clear. Any knowledge you have is a memory of something else.

Unless you are trying to be funny- We could probably take this act on the road. :smiley:


  1. Familiarity, awareness, or understanding gained through experience or study.


The mental faculty of retaining and recalling past experience.
Sorry for hijacking your thread, chowder. I will stop now.

Well, the rates have been dropping but this official report makes no mention of the gore pictures. They had been in place only about three years when that report was written, though. This more recent summary of youth smoking also makes no mention of the images. I guess the images’ impact, if any, is considered useful but not huge.

The most frustrating thing is that they printed so few “diseased bladder” cards that it’s impossible to complete the set without buying 20 cartons.

I heard a picture of Honus Wagner’s throat tumors just sold for half a mill.


The accidentally inverted “Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma” set by R.J. Reynolds will be worth a fortune!

Hah! I think you hit it on the head. Back when I smoked, even my father dying of lung cancer didn’t make me quit. I told a friend, though, that if they said quitting would cause my hair to grow back, I’d throw my pack away right then.

Let me know when they start selling on ebay, then you know it failed to work. Why do I expect Goths to collect these?

When I was in London in July, they didn’t have nasty pictures on the pack, just huge, dire warnings. As a matter of fact, I was so amused by the warnings on the matches that I took a quick picture.

Eh, I’m a rabid anti-smoker, so anything they do that might have the slightest chance of getting anyone to stop smoking is fine by me. I think they should include not just pictures of tumours, but a nice little gob of lung cancer in each pack. And a recording of an old smoker hacking away after he takes his first drag of the day should start playing every time you open the pack.

Grand, that’s your opinion and you’re welcome to it but don’t come moaning to me when little 3 year old featherlouete gets upset because of the upsetting image they just saw on my cig box left on a table in a outdoor public area :wink:

Not picking on you featherlou but I know that is so going to happen at some stage to someone.

Yeah, well, those sick life-denying suicidal anti-human dim-witted slow-learners can suck it up. This it NOTHING to what’s planned to try to wean their sick, twisted, abnegatious kind off their repulsive, vile, anti-social, selfish, murderous habit for their own fucking good and that of the poor saps who have the misfortune to breathe within their killing radius.

Just so you know: “If we are going to stop smoking we will” - nuhuh. Clearly you are so thick you don’t even understand the meaning of the word “addictive” - no surprise there, as if you weren’t that maniacally stupid you wouldn’t have even started up the stupid habit in the first place, let alone allowed yourself to get addicted to something that has a 50% chance of killing you. Your outrage is entirely a confection of your addiction, you yourself don’t believe a single one of the falsities you just shat.

The Government is there precisely to help the incapable helpless floundering addle-pated slack-jawed dull-eyed flat-headed drooling stinking solipsistic limp-haired grey-skinned yellow-eyed brown-toothed numb-tongued nasally-etherised outcasts to have some remote chance of finding some place in normal society, like any other dependent. Spewing your stinking guts all over the people who are doing stuff they don’t have to do to help you out of a hole you are enthusiastically digging yourself is yet another symptom of your sickness.

Why can’t the do-badding cretins realise that people only continue smoking because they are chemically and psychologically addicted to it, and only tell themselves these “we like smoking” faerie tales to disguise to themselves how much they have surrendered their selves to a self-destructive addictive poisonous chemical, specifically tailored over hundreds of years by multinational corporations who don’t give a fuck how many they kill as long as more suckers pick up the phlegm-soaked fag-ends the diers have dropped as they fell? Somehow government programs to get people off crack, heroin, ice, alcohol or any other substance are OK but nicotine, not?

Oooh that felt good. Thanks for the scratching posts.

Smoking doesn’t just affect you. It affects everyone around you. That’s why they want everybody to stop smoking - it endangers other people.

My word Askance you sure have a masterly command of the English language.

Your collection of insults is truly remarkable.

Now fuck off and eat spiders