Hot diggity, I want these non-dessert cheesecakes

Has anyone ever had a savory cheesecake instead of sweet?

This site specializes in them, and I’m tempted to get one (or more of the small ones) to take for Christmas dinner.

Wow, these look delicious. Smoked salmon & dill sounds like it would be particularly great.

Brilliant idea! I’m going to make one this week. Gorgonzola and pear sounds great. I guess using pastry crumbs for the base, and mixing the gorgonzola with ricotta, and then baking it would do. Not sure how the texture will turn out - it’s pretty dense when sweet, and I’m not sure how well that’d work out as a savory.

Looking forward to trying, though - because despite the goose fat confited duck, butter-based sauce, roquefort and butter brioche tarte-au-citron I had for dinner last night, I haven’t consumed nearly enough saturated animal fats this week.

I keep going back and looking and my resistance is crumbling.

Gorgonzola and pear is my top choice, but all of the others sound so amazing, as well.

Get that one and report back! Please?

Almost 30 dollars shipping on a 10 dollar cheesecake. Meh.

I’ve sent an email to see if Ohio qualifies for the ground shipping. We’ll see.

I’ve made this before - it was excellent, just make sure you drain the zucchini really well.

Holy cow. Never mind that, then.

Doesn’t this sound an awful lot like a quiche?

Garlic cheesecake? Wow. I am firmly of the belief that any dish can be improved by adding either garlic, chocolate, or cheese, so I might just have to consider trying this one day. If I wasn’t too cheap to pay for shipping. Hmmm, I wonder what kind of crust is used. I bet I could increase the yumminess (is too a word! Now. ;-P) by using those ritz garlic and herb crackers for it…

goes off to search for a recipe instead

I helped make an Herbal Cheesecake a couple of years ago. Basically, it was a cheeseball, or a dip, in the shape of a cheesecake, with plenty of herbs, and some pepperoni in the cheese. Plus, it had a lemony crust. It was tasty, but I’d be reluctant to fix it again, because it made enough cheese dip for an army. (And while it was made for an event where a small army (of women) did show up, there was enough food for a large army).

Or a tart even. I recently made a leek and swiss chard tart that was incredible.

Here’s a roquefort and pear cheesecake recipe from Delia. A bit complex, I think. I will alter it optimistically. I’ve just gone out and bought St. Agur instead for mine.

Hmm. Not to me. Quiche is an egg pie, not based on cream cheese or its ilk.

To me, quiche is warm. The Herbal Cheesecake I was involved with was room temperature or cooler. (As in, stored in the fridge, and may or may not have had time to come up to room temperature before being eaten). And there’s a texture issue–which I guess goes back to the egg pie thing, rather than the made of cheese thing. I suspect the cheesecake I was involved with had 3 or 4 blocks of cream cheese, and maybe a couple eggs–don 't remember for sure. A similar sized quiche would have more eggs and a whole lot less cheese.

If you want to get the experience on the quick and easy, just make Jezebel:

Mix equal parts apricot jam and apple jelly. Mix in horseradish to taste - I like mine quite hot. Pour this over a block of cream cheese, top with coarsely ground black pepper and serve with nice crackers.

I got word back that my maximum shipping would be $15 for ground, so I’m going ahead and buying three of the smaller ones: Gorgonzola & Pear, Salmon & Dill, and Mushroom & Fontina.

I will report back!

Nice. We appreciate it!

I’ve made a smoked salmon & pesto cheescake before - that one is intended to be used as spread on crackers. It is insanely good and it goes a long way. I think the next time I make it I’ll split it into 2 smaller cakes and freeze one, because we can never go through the leftovers of a whole one before they go bad.

It uses breadcrumbs for the (minimal) crust, IIRC.

Okay, I can report back about the Gorgonzola & Pear. It was astonishingly good and a huge hit.

The 10 oz comes essentially as a tub of firm dip with a tiny bit of browning on the top. It said thaw and then microwave for 1-2 minutes, and just doing that gave a soft, spreadable with a little knife, cheese that was absolutely perfect for crackers or bagels or (my eventual favorite) Melba toast.

There were a few conversations that went like this:

Someone: What’s that cheese thing on the far right?
Me: The one in the black plastic?
Someone: Yeah, that one. My god, it’s good.
Me: It’s cheesecake!

Anyway, the larger varieties seem to have a crust and I guess you could slice them. But this one wasn’t something you could slice.

Perfect for parties. There were about 15 people there, and this one was pretty much demolished by the end of the night.

And that’s all I know (except that people who got the Mushroom & Fontina one and the Salmon & Dill one didn’t share. Yet).