Guess what I did this weekend. No really, go ahead and guess. I’ll wait. (Doo doo dee do, duh duh duh doo…) (That’s the sound of me humming to myself waiting for you to guess.) Have you guessed yet? OK, whaddaya think I did?
Nope, wrong. I trimmed my toenails.
Ha! I kid! This isn’t about me trimming my toenails. I mean I couldmake it about that, but why would I? I mean the title is “House Beautiful” and you’re not supposed to have misleading thread titles, so it won’t be all about me trimming my toenails. (As special as I am, I still have to follow the rules around here. Even the “No misleading thread titles” one.) I mean after I got done with protective eyewear and the time my dog came in the bathroom right as I was snapping through my big toe’s nail and it ricocheted off the sink and hit her right in the ribs and we had to go to the vet… well, that would be about it. And it wouldn’t be all that interesting. I try to make these thing interesting, I really do.
Something else I’m not going to go on about is my thoughts on the big budget, live action “Bob the Builder” movie. Owen Wilson could be “Bob” and Sandra Bullock could be “Wendy”. I think John Malkovich would make a dandy “Spud”, but I don’t know who should be “Pilchard”. Yet. But that’s enough about that.
What the real focus of this week is my house. As it turns out, someonedecided it’s time to move. The Casa del DeDay isn’t everything we need in an abode as it seems. Something about “school systems” or something, I’m not sure. To be honest, once I heard “move” my brain shut down from the sheer horror of the prospect. But my shut down brain doesn’t change the facts. It looks like we’ll be moving soon. Huzzah.
(Speaking of “huzzah”, did you see The Simpsonsa couple weeks ago. It could have been just last week, I’m not sure. Anyway, Homer gave Mr. Burns a list of things to make the plant better and more efficient. And Mr. Burns said “Huzzah!” Well, the Little Woman turned to me and asked “Isn’t that what you were trying to get people to say? Huzzah?” And I said “Yeah. And look! It’s on network TV! It’s only FOX, but still…”
And I’ve already gotten people saying “Jake” for “good”. So ha.)
Now, while we’ve been living here quite happily, it’s been decided only some deranged nut-case would want to actually buy this pile of rubble. Thus the To Do List of Doom was born. (Duh duh duh duh duuuuuuhhhh…) (That’s the sound of ominous music.) Yes, the To Do List of Doom. Man! I didn’t know there was so much wrong with this house! It’s a little scary.
One of the things on the T.D.L.o’D. is the yard light. Namely that the yard light doesn’t work. It stopped working months after we moved in and it wasn’t important enough to fix. I mean the yard light at the last house never worked. The whole time we lived there, no working yard light. And we were OK with that. This one needs to be fixed though. But first we needed to dig it out of the ground. The digging went much better than I thought it would. Not so well I thought we should have gotten on it sooner and had a working yard light while we were still happy to be living here, but well enough.
Now we had the option of sticking in a new yard light (Did you know you have to buy the pole separately? Really. You buy the light you want then you have to buy the pole it goes on. Two purchases for one yard light.), or get those real cool low voltage light sets that run along your walk. Personally, this was my choice. And as it turned out to be the cheaper… more economical choice, it’s the way we went. We popped off to the hardware store and picked up a big ol’ box of low voltage light kit. It was a pretty good kit, all the pieces were in there and everything. You just have to put it all together. For the most part, everything just snaps together. No problem. That’s for the most part. What the instructions (Yeah, I read the instructions. Wanna make something of it?) don’t mention is that this one step, the one where you jam the contacts for the light bulbs into the plastic contact-holdy part takes special tools. Yeah, you can stuff them in there without special tools, but this would turn the whole procedure into a Sisyphusian… Sisyphian… Sisyphudlius… a task like unto that partaken by Sisyphus. (You know Sisyphus? The rock-pushing guy?) And you scrape up your fingers some too.
The special tool you need that no one tells you about is a 2mm “Precision Screwdriver”. As the Fates (Norn if you prefer) would have it, I had a 2mm “Precision Screwdriver”. Why would I have a 2mm “Precision Screwdriver” you ask? I’m not really sure. Maybe I had little screws to drive this one time, or I was browsing through the hardware store and saw them and thought to myself “Cool! A “Precision Screwdriver” set. I need it!” And I bought them. What’s important here is that I had the 2mm “Precision Screwdriver”. So I could jam the contacts into the plastic contact-holdy part without scraping up my fingers.
After that, the job went quite smoothly. Until I had to drill a hole into my house. Luckily I had a set of masonry drill bits. Of course everyone has at least one set of masonry drill bits, so I don’t have to explain how I came into possession of those.
After that it was just jamming the lights into the ground and clipping them into the power wire. Here’s a tip: When you put low voltage lights in at your house, don’t do it first thing in the morning. Then you have to wait all day to see how they look. It makes for a long day.
Even with the To Do List of Doom to keep you busy.