Household member's wallet gets stolen. Should I worry about my own ID/credit, too?

Mine is an extended family household. My relative is on a trip abroad and ended up getting pickpocketed. She’s already called her credit card company, and we’re going to contact the other usual institutions tomorrow, plus I’ve checked out the FTC’s webpage for more info. I have an inkling of how hellish the situation could become for her, thanks to cautionary articles in print and on TV, but I was wondering if there’s anything the rest of the household has to worry about since we all share the same address. For example, could credit woes caused by the thieves also mess up my credit? Should everyone inform their own banks? Or am I being overly paranoid? I’d really appreciate any advice from the Dopers :frowning:

Unless the pickpocketed member was carrying identifying information about the rest of you it seems unlikely that anyone else’s credit or identity would be jeopardized. How would the thief know anyone even lived at the address?

If you’re worried you can certainly take some or all of the same steps that the FTC suggests but IMHO it’s an overreaction.