This. It obviously takes a very large number of cigarettes to actually kill a person. If the lethal dose is 1 pack per day for 20 years, then that is 2036520 = 146k cigarettes. I’ve heard of smokers with 40 pack year smoking histories, so this probably isn’t quite enough to kill the average person. In any case, it’s the addiction that causes people to keep smoking. An actor who smokes a clover cigarette in a movie might not smoke more than 100-1000 of them his entire lifetime, factoring in multiple takes and multiple movies.
Yea but nicotine by itself is basically harmless(in the amounts possible to consume via cig, don’t make me beat a pedant!) this sounds like the line of argument that e-cigs are going to kill teens since it will somehow lead them to real cigs.
These herb cigs sound like they are almost as bad for your lungs in the immediate time frame as real cigs, so it seems kind of misguided. If they are concerned about second hand smoke in the workplace they are just as bad.
Oh and I wonder if any workplaces allow use of these in non acting situations but ban cigarettes?
Don’t be pendantic, please. Obvious it requires an addictive substance to make you keep using the product and a toxic delivery system to result in something that kills people commonly. This means that cigarettes lacking an addictive substance and e-cigs without the carcinogens are both safe.
Herbal cigarettes arguably do a non-zero amount of damage. The important thing is that the damage is so small that you’re significantly more likely to die of something else first. This is similar to what happens when you eat two Double Big Macs or do three shots of vodka on one or two occasions. Is it harmful? Yes, to some extent. Am I likely to seriously shorten my life if I do it once or twice? No.