How bad is Depo Provera, really?

before I went on the Depo shots, I read everythign I could find on them. I discussed with my doctor the problems I had read about like “hairy bleeding nipples”. My doctor told me that the side effects weren’t especially differnt from the pill, and that if I did have some problems that they could treat them. She told me the most common problem was some daily bleeding and that she had in fact been on the shots herself some time before. I did in fact have teh daily bleeding for a few months more annoying than anything else, and once my periods stopped I had no pms symptoms as friends who have had hystorectomies had. One freind claimed she no longer had periods but she “celebrated” them anyway. I often went moths without even thinking about periods and did not have the mood swings, sore breasts, bloating or the irritablity that comes from having to deal with the mess and discomfort of a period. I did have decreased libido but that could have been due to the accident that led me to Depo shots in the first place. I can’t remember to take pills. I also had weight gain but I have gained more weight since going off of the shots than I did while on them. I was on the shots form age 38 to 45, if I had a doctor who refused to give me medication I thought I wanted and needed because I was over 35, Iwould at the very least seek a second opinion, of course I wouldn’t go to a male Gyn, unless there was no other choice. But that is another topic altogether.

Depo is NOT associated with blood clots in the same way that oestrogen containing pills are.

Endometrial Ablation removes the layer of the uterus than an embryo implants in. It is permanent, and will render most women amennorrheic and infertile. It is a surgical treatment for heavy periods, used as a less invasive alternative to hysterectomy. It is not a solution for “I can’t be bothered having periods any more”. It’s still a surgical procedure requiring anaesthetic, and with risks of bleeding, infection and rarely complications leading to a need for hysterectomy.

Ballon-thermo-ablation is just one method of endometrial ablation. There are also laser, roller-ball and a type of diathermy. In Ireland the Diathermy is preferred, as the endometrium is removed in strips, which can then be sent for hisology. This is because (very rarely) undiagnosed endometrial cancers have been seeded to the myometrium after the procedure, and at least if you have histology saying you removed normal tissue you know that it’s unlikely.

Mirena IUD is another solution for people wanting light periods (or no periods, 20% of users are amennorrheic within 12months). It releases progesterone locally into the uterus, and has very few systemic side effects. It’s about as much systemic progesterone as taking 2 progesterone only pills a week, so has fewer side effects to Depo.

Mirena lasts for 5 years, and is more effective contraception than a TL, so might also be something to consider for the ladies looking for long-term or permanent contraception.

(Me, I’ve changed from Dianette to Yasmin, and although my moods have been a little odd, I’m planning a wedding and studying for major exams, so I can’t really blame the pill! I loves me my oestrogen, and know that anything using progesterone would not be my friend.)