How can I get cheaper car insurance?

Besides the obvious ways of getting a cheaper car or increasing my age a few years, that is. I’m around 21 years of age, have a clean driving record (a few tickets 3-4 years ago, but nothing recent). I drive a mid-90s, fairly inexpensive car. I pay approximately $200 per month, which I understand is about average for people of my age. Here’s the thing, though: two hundred bucks is still two hundred bucks, and a signifigant portion of my monthly income. So where’s the little-known insurance loopholes? I’m willing to accept a fairly high deductable. I guess I have to have collision coverage, since I’m still paying off a bank loan (for another year or so). I’ve heard tell of various ways to severely drop the insurance, but never described in specifics. For instance, I’ve heard there are ways to get the car insured as a “company vehicle” (which, I assume because company vehicles are less likely to be involved in an accident, carry low premiums). I’ve heard that there are various insurance companies that have specific criteria for members (ie, your family must include a veteran of x war, etc, etc, etc.). I’ve heard you can get it insured with yourself as merely an “occasional driver”, thus lowering the premium, since the car would be under your (presumably cheaper to insure) parents policy. Now, I’m not looking to commit any sort of fraud, but I do wish I knew what my options are.

*Get married. For some reason your rate will drop if you have a family . At your age it won’t fall to what guys like me are paying (40 years old, no tickets or accidents in 20 years, married 21 years. My car insurance is almost free;)) but it will go down.
*Take defensive driver courses. Even if you don’t have tickets you can take these.
Many insurance companies will give you a break for doing this.

*Get a job where you get a company vehicle. I get a new leased vehicle every 2 years from work. When I told my insurance that I don’t drive my own car very much because I drive the companies (which is insured by my company, not by me) my rates for my own car went down even more.

*If you’re a guy, get a sex change. Women tend to pay less than we do for insurance.